Saturday, December 30, 2006

Movie News!

Yesterday, George Lucas announced that he and Steven Spielberg have finished the Indiana Jones 4 script and plan to start filming next year. Even though they've said this kind of stuff before and nothing came of it, they've also said that the whole thing was shut down, and yet they come out and say nope, still going, so I tentatively believe him. I really want to believe him. I've been excited for this for a while, and I don't care if Harrison Ford is 80 before they film this thing, I'll still see it. Ford is set to star in it, and right now he's at the ripe old age of 64, perfect for action flicks right? If anyone can do it Indy can! George Lucas says this one is going to be pretty damn good too: "It's going to be fantastic. It's going to be the best one yet." We all know what happens when he says that. And as long as he's not directing, we'll be fine! So, heads up on that one.

The other piece of news I wanted to put on here was the possibility of Johnny Depp playing Queen front man Freddie Mercury in an upcoming biopic of the star. Imagine how great that would be. I mean, I don't think you can get anyone that can imitate Mercury's vocal style, so doing the Joaquin Phoenix thing is probably out, but the way Depp can act and the idea of him playing a really great character like this is pretty exciting. I think Queen is awesome, and I think Freddie Mercury is even awesomer, so the movie, whether it has Johnny Depp or not, should be good. I think Johnny Depp playing him would make it even better though. Again, just a heads up.

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