Saturday, December 30, 2006

Saddam's hanging, set to Zeppelin's "Gallows Pole"

(I tried and tried to get some sort of media player like myspace has with "Gallows Pole" playing, but nothing seemed to work. Anyone know how I could do that? Ahem, Bryan?)

Well, big news out of Iraq last night, Saddam Hussein has been execute. I think it was because people didn't like hims movie film, or maybe his crimes against humanity. Very nice! Anyways, pieces were shown on television, like putting the noose around his neck.

Does anybody else think this should have been on Pay-Per-View? Or is that just me? Well, regardless, George Bush wouldn't have seen it anyways. He slept right through the execution. He goes through all the nation-crumbling work of finding him, and then sleeps through the best part? Well, actually, he probably didn't care that much, but I bet George Sr. was paying close attention. Maybe we can leave Iraq now? Nah, because this war isn't about Saddam right? Or, wait, Bin Ladin right? Umm, I guess I'm confused on WHY THE FUCK WE'RE STILL OVER THERE! But I digress...

Saddam Hussein is dead, and now is joining Satan in hell, where he hopefully gets 40 of the filthiest, dirtiest, most awful smelling Dutch prostitutes you could imagine. Unhappy trails Saddam.

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