Saturday, December 02, 2006

USC goes down, Jake weeps

The USC Trojans went down today, and they went down hard. It wasn't so much a big loss points wise, it was more the implications of it that made it a big loss. Now USC has 2 losses and is pretty far out of the running for the BCS Championship game, a game they've been to for the last 2 seasons (should have been 3, you all remember that?), and it looks like it will be a rematch of Michigan - Ohio St, which nobody wants to see, cause what if Michigan wins?

Anyways, if you didn't see it, UCLA beat USC 13-9. The game pretty much ended on an absolutely amazingly athletic interception by a UCLA linebacker. He went up and blocked Booty's pass, and then was right on it and dove for the INT. It was a pretty great play, and was the nail in USC's coffin.

After the game, Jake (my roommate) didn't really weep, but I'm sure he wanted to. He grew up in LA, and his Dad and his Grandpa (I think, correct me if I'm wrong Jake) went there, so he's a big fan. Tough break. Ryan has already offered to buy him a drink at dinner tonight. But don't feel too sorry for him, because his other favorite team is Michigan. He blocked for Chad Henne in high school in Pennsylvania, so he's been following them since then. Real rough when your favorite team loses its BCS bid and your second favorite team take its place. Plus, the Trojans will be just fine in the Rose Bowl. Bastards... So don't feel too bad.

We've still got a lot of football left today though, so I'm going to get back to it.


Anonymous said...

All the talking heads are saying Florida, not Michigan. No one wants a rematch of a game already played. The BCS will figure out some way to place Florida over Michigan, proving once again how futile the BCS system is at trying to end controversies. It seems every year their is a dispute as to who got ripped.


Kevin said...

Well, it's official, and it's Florida.

Kevin said...

So, as far as Jake goes, he's going to have a pretty rough Rose Bowl. Who does he root for?!
