Saturday, January 13, 2007

We needed a new one anyway...

This was the sight last night at Rex Putnam high school after Kevin Love, um, dominated this hoop. This very spot was the sight of my first in-game dunk back when I was a junior, and for him to come in and deface it like that, well, it impresses me. Since I left, they replaced the hoops, this one being maybe 2 years old, so it hasn't been beaten up too much. That means this must have been a mean throw down, and I wish I could have seen it. They had to cancel the game, naturally, making Love feel like an even bigger pimp than he already is I'm sure. Oh, and don't worry Barendse, I'm sure UCLA will be sending you a check soon.

Thanks to Bryan for letting me know about this and letting me steal his picture.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Matt was there!
