Saturday, February 10, 2007

Mr. Brooks movie trailer

Wait, is that Kevin Costner? Kevin, why are you posting a trailer for a movie with this guy in it? No, guys, trust me, this movie actually looks good. This looks like The Untouchables Kevin Costner, not The Postman Kevin Costner. The movie is called Mr. Brooks, and Rotten Tomatoes has the synopsis:

"The story follows a man (Kevin Costner) with a murderous alter ego (William Hurt). Demi Moore will play a tough detective whose devotion to her craft catches the attention and respect of the serial killer she is hunting, which leads to a symbiotic relationship."

It sounds much better after you watch the trailer. One thing that interests me, besides the fact that it looks like a good movie, is that Dane Cook is playing a dramatic role. He looks like he can cut it in the trailer, but I'm really interested to see if this guy is versatile, because I would love to see him in more movies. Anyways, check out the trailer and tell me what you think.


Zach Francis said...

Kevin, I have never read anything more offensive than the fact that you would like to see Dane Cook in more movies. I really, really, really, hate that SOB.

Kevin said...

Well, too bad for you, cause this is my blog, and I love that guy.

Anonymous said...

i had a feeling Costner would make some kind of a comeback; plus it's interesting how Dane Cook went from stand up comedian to starring in a ton of major movies
