Friday, February 09, 2007

Oregon announces new offensive coordinator

It's Chip Kelly, the offensive coordinator from New Hampshire. Most of the talk of who was going to replace Crowton was about this guy, so it's not too much of a shock, and most people thought he would be a good fit anyways. Everybody says he works great one-on-one with quarterbacks, and that's exactly what we need for next year and years to come. Also, New Hampshire ran the spread offense, so there'll be no transition time for him adapting to our offense.

Just as an aside, a rumor that was floating around before this decision was final is that they interviewed Coach Greatwood, the offensive line coach and the coach I work for, so how cool would it of been for me to be working for the new offensive coordinator? It would be like a promotion. Coach Wood has been with Oregon for 22 years, and honestly I think he would have been great, and I love working for him because he's a great guy, but I think he loves coaching the O-line more. So if he was offered, my guess is he respectfully turned it down. But they are just rumors of course, and what do I know?

Anyways, read the whole story about Coach Kelly and the decision to snag him here on

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