Monday, February 26, 2007

New Mac Ad

Today, Ryan and I were sitting out in the front room, bullshitting as usual, and we came up with a new Mac ad. If you know how Ryan and I are, this will be completely normal stuff to you; the usual from us. Anyways, here's how it goes.

Mac and PC are standing there as usual.

Mac says, "Hey, PC, how's it going?"
PC answers, "Oh, pretty good, just rebooting from my upgrade."
Mac replies, "Oh right, how is, um, Vista going for you?"
PC answers, "Very well, actually, it-
-PC farts and looks uncomfortable-
-Mac looks awkward, then notices the smell-
Looking at PC, Mac says, "Wow. (pause) That is awful."
-PC hangs his head in shame-

This would be awesome with Microsoft's new "Wow." ad campaigns for Vista. I don't think Steve Jobs would ever let the Apple image stoop to that level, but still, you gotta admit that would be funny.

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