Friday, March 09, 2007

Bill Gates is, again, the richest man in the world

Forbes recently released their 2007 list of billionaires (in U.S dollars), and among the 946 people currently worth $1 billion+, Mr. Gates is the richest with nearly $56 billion in the bank. This is the 13th straight year Bill Gates has topped the list. 946 billionaires makes this the "richest year in human history" according to Steve Forbes, Editor in Chief of Forbes magazine.

I think Mr. Gates might take a huge hit soon though, because of some of the recent products he's put out. Take this for example:

That's Microsoft Windows Vista soda. It's littered across the Microsoft campus. Why will products like this bring him down? Well, it's simple, because like most other Microsoft products, these will probably crash when you open them, and they taste a lot like Apple.

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