Friday, March 09, 2007

Music Review: Arcade Fire - Neon Bible

As you all probably know, I have been waiting for the new Arcade Fire album to come out all year. With all the leaks and crazy marketing they did, my anticipation just increased, until finally, Tuesday, it came out.

On first listen, this is a great CD. Many songs are very catchy, there's a lot of Bruce Springsteen influence, but the music still sounds remarkably original. On subsequent listens, it just gets better, and to me, that is a sign of a truly great album. It's a bit of a departure from their previous album, Funeral, in its production. Arcade Fire seems to have taken the My Chemical Romance approach which was to just make their albums theatrical wonders. Not saying Arcade Fire is influenced by MCR, but it's the best reference I know. The whole album has an enormous sound, and this fact is epitomized in the song "Intervention," which features among many other odd instruments, a bellowing church-like pipe organ.

Among other things great about this album, the writing is incredible. The band takes a very worldly approach to this album, projecting courage and strength with an "us against the world" ideal. I am especially attracted to the lyrics of the previously mentioned song "Intervention," which currently holds the number 1 spot for my favorite song of the year. Listen to it below, along with the first few lyrics:

Arcade Fire - Intervention

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"The king's taken back the throne.
The useless seed is sown.
When they say they're cutting off the phone,
I tell 'em you're not home.

No place to hide,
You were fighting as a soldier on their side.
You're still a soldier in your mind
Though nothing's on the line.

You say it's money that we need,
as if we're only mouths to feed.
I know no matter what you say,
there are some debts you'll never pay.

Working for the church
while your family dies.
You take what they give you
and you keep it inside.
Every spark of friendship and love
will die without a home.
Hear the soldier groan, "We'll go at it alone."

So, in conclusion, this is a great album in all, with highlights littered throughout. Arcade Fire continues to be one of the best new bands, and Win Butler, the lead singer, continues to be one of the greatest new songwriters. Neon Bible is going to be tough to beat as my favorite album of 2007, and "Intervention" is going to be tough to beat as my favorite song. On the Reganometer, I give this album a 9 out of 10, and say go buy it for sure!

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