Friday, March 09, 2007

I'm 21! (cont.)

So, I made it. I'm officially a major. Those "No Minors" signs can't stop me now. It feels good too. This is the first year in a while when I actually felt older, because so much more freedom was given to me. It was pretty cool going to 7-Eleven at 1:00am and buying that Arrogant Bastard Ale, not so much because I wanted it or anything, but more because I could. And that's pretty much the moral of my day on Wednesday. It goes something like this:

So, I woke up around 8:30 when Hayley woke me up with breakfast in bed. Boy would that be nice to have everyday. It's when I normally get up, so that was alright. Then, I went to class at 10, which was the worst part of my day. It was one of the most boring classes we've had, and it was on my birthday. There were SO many other things I would have rather been doing. Like drinking. Anyways, I got out of class at noon.

Ryan is in my class, and he wanted to be the one to buy me my first drink, so I said, why not now? So we head over to Rennie's, the bar right across the street from Lillis on Kincaid, and he and I split a pitcher. Then, Jake came and met us, and a few minutes later, Mitch came in and bought me a pint. So I had 3 beers around noon. Then, at 1:30, I hopped on the bus over to Autzen, because I had a bit of work to do. It was nothing intensive, so I was just fine, and at 3:30, I hopped on the bus back to campus. I got there around 4, at which point Ryan and Jake met me and we went to Taylor's, the other bar on campus on the corner of 13th and Kincaid.

There, we played some pool and had a few beers. One of our friend's named Lindsay stopped by too. I bought the first pitcher, but only because I demanded to, otherwise I didn't pay for anything. Nice friends I got. Here's my first bar tab:

After about an hour and a half there, Bryan and the rest of the house came and picked us up and took us all out to McMenamins for dinner. Lucky for me, it was happy hour. So the burgers were cheap, and so was the beer. So I had 2 beers with dinner, and then Hayley picked up the tab. What a gal! At this point, I was pretty well into the night. I was boozed up and feeling good. So after that, we went home for a few. I needed a little break, after all.

Then, at 8, we went back out to start the night, Jake, Ryan, and I. We went back to Rennie's, where I got a free Rennie's lemonade for my birthday, then I had a Drop Top, and just reaffirmed my strong dislike for that beer. From this picture, it looks like I'm going to enjoy a frosty, delicious beer, but the "after" picture is more of a "no thank you" face.

Ryan said it's way better on tap, and it might have been, but it's just gross to me. Then, at 9, we went back to Taylor's for $1 microbrews until 10:30. We were having a great time. If you can't tell, that's me in the drunk over there.

Around that time, it was about time for us to get the hell out of there. We had been sufficiently boozed up since 4pm, and we were done. So we went home, bullshitted a little at home, and eventually hit the sack.

All in all, it was a lot of drinking, but it was an AWESOME day! I had a great time with my friends, and other people's friend's too, and can't wait for the rest of the house to turn 21 so we can all go out and have as good a time as I did.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Can't say I'm proud of you for this one, but hey, it's exactly what I would have expected you to do. Hope you didn't feel too bad in the morning.

GO DUCKS! In the finals baby!

