Saturday, May 10, 2008

Barack Obama in Eugene, Round 2

Last night, I had the privilege of seeing Barack Obama speak for the second time. The first was in Mac Court, and was a great experience. It really inspired me and reaffirmed the reasons why I'm voting for him. This time is was on the quad in front of the library. It was really cool too, because it was out on the grass, in the sun, with just a mob of people that really felt authentic. It felt like everyone was there because they wanted to see this man, not just because they saw it in the paper or something.

I gotta say, though, that this speech was not as good as the first one. He seemed a little tired, exhausted from the nonstop campaigning I'm sure. However, he didn't sound like he was just going through the motions. It seemed like he meant what he said, and truly believed in it, but just didn't say as much. I felt like he assumed everone had already seen him at Mac Court, so this was just a reminder, or a follow up almost, so he didn't need to go into everything.

Overall, I'm of course glad I was there. It was exciting to see the next president twice in as many months. Here are some pictures from the event, from Obama's Flickr account. You can't see me, I already tried, but just look at how many people were there. This guy is amazing at getting people involved.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is so cool.

