Saturday, April 21, 2012

I need a new outlet for my movie chatter

Hopefully by now, everyone is aware that for the past year or two, I've been doing a podcast called Critical Drinking. It all started when Ryan and I realized that one thing we did a lot of was drink beers and talk about movies. "Wouldn't it be fun to try a podcast?" we thought, and so it began. Well, we did about 52 episodes, each one more fun than the last.

Then I took a job that moved me down to Southern California, and away from my fellow host. Sad, yes. This looked like it was going to be the end of Critical Drinking as we knew it. But wait! One of my co-workers down here, it turned out, had quite a vast movie knowledge as well, and was interested in doing this podcast with me. So we've done a few episodes since we've been down here, but after about 5, I feel like I'm doing more forcing him to do it rather than him wanting to do it. And I totally get that, it's not for everyone.

Listening back to some episodes with Ryan, we had so much fun doing it and I hope it turned out to be half as funny to other people as it was to me. Ryan is actually going to be in town soon, and we're going to try to do an episode for old times sake, and in all honesty, I think it may be the final episode. Cut out on a high note.

However, just because the podcast will be ending, doesn't mean I'm any less fervent about movies (or beer for that matter). I think it's time to start my search for a new outlet for movies. The podcast route is fun, so it may be something like that, but we'll see.

Posting here again was fun, maybe do that again?

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