Sunday, March 26, 2006

Canada, here we come

So we leave tomorrow. Today actually, but I still have to fall asleep and wake up, so tomorrow. We ironed out the plans tonight after some more bowling. By the way, bowling 2 out of 3 nights gets the forearm a little sore. Anyways, after a bunch of back and forth, we decided on taking Tom's car (Bryan's dad) after he graciously let us borrow it for a few days. It will fit all 5 of us, and that's really all that matters, but it's a nice car also, which will make the trip that much easier. We're leaving tomorrow at 10, so we can dodge any chance of Seattle traffic by hitting it around 1, a dead time (hopefully). We don't have any set plans for when we get up there other than where we're staying, but Luke's been there before, like I've said, so I'm sure we'll find something. We'll be back Tuesday, and that will be the trip. My brother is also on a trip. Costa Rica with one of his friends, lucky bastard. I'm expecting some good pictures from him with his early birthday present digital camera. I'll be taking pictures too, and I'll post any really good ones.

Something that isn't as cool as going to Canada is finding out I missed an A- in accounting by .8%. I'm not going to say "if I only worked a little harder," because I did work hard in that class, but still, it sucks. There is a tiny bit of hope because that grade wasn't a final grade, it was just a raw score, so there could still be a curve, but our teacher pretty much told us there wouldn't be one, so I'm not getting my hopes up. Good news though, I got an e-mail from my art history GTF telling me that I got 100% on my final paper and 98% on my final (again, raw scores). That's amazing, and could bring me all the way up to a solid A in that class. I'm not going to assume, but the calculator says with those scores, I should have an A. That would be a counter-weighted grade against that damn B+. Those are the only grades I have right now, and both are not final, but when I get back from the trip I will have the final grades and I'll let you know.

So, for 3 days, here's to being 20 years old in Canada with 4 of your really good friends on spring break.

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