Friday, March 24, 2006

Good to be home

Well, last night I made my way back to the Portland area, and it's good to be back. I have come home during college a few times, mostly for breaks and all, but I have realized just this time that whenever I come home, I can relax. It seems like a "no shit" statement, but it's true. Being home just has a feeling of requiescence (ooh, big word) that is so refreshing. Whenever I come home, I rarely have school work because it's usually at the end of a term, so the only work I have to do is the crossword puzzle in The Oregonian. Now, The New York Times crossword we get in Eugene is good and all, but The Oregonian crossword is just so much better, making coming home even that much better (I know, shut up, I like doing them). It's also, of course, great to see my family, no doubt about that. On the flip side, home also gets old if I stay for too long when I'm the only one on break, because it doesn't have the excitement that a college town does (naturally), but it's nice for a week.

Last night, a couple of friends and I went bowling, which was fun. We put some money on the first game, as we seem to bet on anything and everything we can, and unfortunately my team lost. I can boast the high score of the night, however, with a 152. The play of the day was Luke's turkey (3 strikes in a row) to finish the second game. It was impressive.

Today was the first day in about a week I was able to sleep in, but there was one thing that got me out of bed: a liquidation sale down at a local movie store. Bryan told me about it yesterday (after he had been there and got all the good stuff of course). He picked up, among other things, the 5th season of The Sopranos for $8. Are you serious?! It goes for $100 on the HBO website, and he bought it for $8, a 92% discount. This made me have to go, but when I showed up this morning, all the good stuff was basically gone. I had expected that it would be, but I had to check.

It's good to be home, and I'm going to enjoy these 2 days before we leave for Canada. Can't wait for that. Go Villanova, you're the only active team left in my bracket.

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