Friday, June 23, 2006


Hey guys, just wanted to post and give you an update on how things are going. As my title indicates, I've been busy lately. I got work, as you know, and my shifts are from 12:30pm-9:00pm, which leaves little morning and very little night. It's with the Red Cross, which is right next to Legacy Emmanuel hospital, so I have been going into Portland after work to play basketball with Cody and Jake and all the guys at UP. Seeing as how it's so close, it's really convenient. Anyways, I think I'm going to ask to be assigned to another job. We'll see how it goes.

I got my second letter from Hayley today. She's still alive and doing well (always good news), and dispite the harsh punishment her body is taking, she sounds strong, so I was very excited to hear that. If you want to know more, just ask.

I am headed to Eugene tomorrow to move a bunch of my stuff from my apartment into Bryan's house. You all know I'm going to be living there next year, and there's room for my stuff, so I might as well use it. I'll be going with Ryan in my new truck! This will be the longest trip yet, so we'll see how she does.

Speaking of the truck, I noticed the other day that the cargo center brake light, the one on top of the truck, is out. That really pissed me off considering they flaunted their 111 point inspection at the dealership. Bastards, lied right to my face. Whatever, I'm not at all concerned really, it's easily fixable, and they do it for free, so I go in next Friday to get it fixed. Then I think the truck will be ready for its first road trip. Lets start with the beach, anyone with me on this one? Come on. Whatever.

I'm headed to bed now, but I just wanted to let you all in on what's been happening. If I don't post soon, it will be because I'm still busy, but hopefully I'll be free by next week so that I can start enjoying my summer. Later guys.

1 comment:

cody said...

guess the dealership shoulda had at 112 pt inspection.
