Monday, June 26, 2006

It's HOT!

Wow, it has been hot lately. Today, Portland hit 102 degrees. That's apparently as hot as it's ever been in June in Portland EVER! The highest I heard of in Oregon was 103 in Pendleton, coincidently where Hayley will be headed when she gets home. She's been in Virginia though, so I can't imagine it's been that cool there. She comes home the 10th though, so it looks like it will cool off before she gets home. But we're still here now, and stuck in this nasty, nasty heat.

Both my houses have AC (as of this year, thankfully), so I was alright today. That is until I had to go out. My truck doesn't have AC, so I was stuck with the windows down, sweating through whatever I had on. I went to the gym, because I figured it would be real cool, and I was right. It was nice, but then when I got out, after I had been exercising and sweating, it was bad. I'm sitting in my room right now, and it's still mid-80's in here. Not cool. (No pun intended).

Hopefully it will cool down fast, because I'm starting a new job tomorrow. I'm working up at OHSU doing internet/database stuff. That's what I was told anyways, we'll see when I get there. It does bring in $12/hr though, and I'm sure OHSU has a pretty sweet AC system, so I'm happy to have it. The only bad part is the parking. They told me I would either have to park at a meter or pay to park for the day. That will suck if I have to waste money everyday on parking, so hopefully I can find somewhere I can park without having to pay. I actually did the math, and if I work this job for 2 months, taking me to the end of August, and I have to pay $6 a day (either $0.75 per hour at a meter for 8 hours or a flat garage rate), I will spend $288 on parking. That's in 2 months! So it'll definitely be worth having to walk over paying for parking. Anyways, again, we'll see.

On another note, I get my stereo installed in my truck tomorrow. Best Buy's doing the handywork, I'm just listening to it. It will have an iPod hookup too, which will be great for road trips and stuff.

That's that from here, now it's time to go stick my head in the freezer.

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