Friday, June 09, 2006

McNair to Williams!

The Baltimore Ravens picked up Steve McNair today. As you all know (I hope), both Haloti Ngata and Demetrius Williams were drafted by the Ravens in the 1st and 4th rounds, respectively. How cool would it be if next year we see McNair throwing bullet touchdown passes to Demetrius? I just wanted to post about how awesome the idea is that Demetrius could have a huge career because he has a big name quarterback throwing him the ball. Assuming McNair doesn't get injured (which is a HUGE assumption), it looks like Demetrius has a very bright NFL career. This is of course from a Duck, but regardless, I'm rooting for both Haloti and Demetrius to succeed in the NFL. As always, GO DUCKS!


Anonymous said...

Before I go off on Williams, and I will go off, I have to mention the most recent "movie" you've seen. Entourage is easily my favorite show on HBO (which is why I'm cursing the fact that I won't have it this summer in my apartment and either need to rip it or find someone that does have HBO), and I'm just glad to see other people appreciating it as much as I do. A perfect five on the hilarious Reganometer is just freaking great (side note to Kevin, I'm sober as of writing this and the picture still makes me laugh my fatass off *side note to self, why in the hell was I drunk at 2:30 on a Wednsday, but not at 9 on a Saturday? *end side note to self*).

As for Williams having a great NFL career, that I have to disagree with. Williams will be lucky if he catches 30 balls this season with Jamal Lewis and Mike Anderson sucking up touches from the backfield, McNair willing to run himself, Todd Heap and Derrick Mason being upper tier TE and WR respectively, and not to mention Mark Clayton, a very high draft pick last year for the Ravens, all being much higher of an offensive priority than Williams. All of this adds up to Williams being a major player in the NFL highly unlikely at this time, and his future is suspect as well, as the GM of the Ravens has stated that the team is built to win the next two years, and afterwards it is headed to a rebuilding stage because of salary cap hell. If anything, William's NFL career looks pretty bleak, unless he becomes a Dante Hall like special teams player, but I haven't heard one way or the other if Williams is going to return kicks for the Ravens.

Speaking of the Chiefs with Dante Hall, if you really want to root for a Duck WR to have a breakout year, look for Samie Parker on the Chiefs. He is now the established number 2 reciever on arguably the best offense in the league. Parker is going to get a lot more deep balls this year as well, as the Chiefs are going to pound people to death with Larry "Dynasty" Johnson, and then look to rip the throats out of people with long balls to one of the fastest WR's in the game in Parker. All of this leads to another Duck WR prediction. Parker has 50+ catches, over a 1000 yards, and 8 TD's. Those of you playing fantasy football would be wise to remember this.

As for big ole Haloti, the man could not have been put in a better position. Even if he doesn't have great statistical numbers, Ngata is keeping Ray Lewis happy by occupying the block up the middle. And a happy Ray Lewis means a damn good Ravens defense, and a damn good Ravens defense means Ray doesn't have to have his friends kill someone again (Oh what Ray, you thought I forgot about that shit? Hell no you bastard, you're at least partially responsible for the deaths of two people and whenever I hear you thank God in interviews it makes me sick you lying son of a bitch. You'll burn in hell when you die, you will burn in hell).

Anyway, rage aside, I really do look forward to Ngata's NFL career. I think he could be a Pro Bowler at DT within the next three years, but unfortunately, I do not see Demetrius having a good career at all. McNair is only a two year option at best for the Ravens, and in that time frame I just don't see him connecting with Williams that often.

Keep up the Beatles Facts O The Day, keep up the love for Entourage, and keep it real in the Beaver State. Francis, Out.

Kevin said...

You clearly know more than me about pro football, there no doubt about that. I guess what I was saying was, as a Duck, I naturally root for any former Duck in the NFL (yes, even Akili Smith, may his career R.I.P. 1998-2000). When I said he WILL have a good career, I "mistyped" because I have no idea how he'll do. What I mean is he has a better chance of looking better is Steve McNair is throwing him the ball then if, say, Akili Smith was. But your analysis is just a bit more thorough than mine, so I agree with you, but hope all those things don't come true and he, in fact, does have a decent career.

Haloti on the other hand SHOULD be great in the NFL. He's got the size, he's got the skills, and he's got Ray Lewis. Hopefully he and Samie Parker who I WILL be watching also will have good years.

Entourage may be the best show I've ever seen. It's got such a cool and interesting story line that I just eat up being the movie lover I am. I watched season 2 in 2 days, and now need to get my hands on season 1. But 8 episodes for $35? I'll have to wait for a sale. Ari is the greatest thing to happen to television in a long ass time, and Piven should win Emmy after Emmy for that role. I could talk about Entourage all day, but I'll refrain. I could write a post about it, but we'll see.

Thanks for the feedback about the Beatles facts. I love them, so it's glad to know others love them too. I'll get on the next one right now. Thanks for the comment Zach, always well spoken (written...)
