Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Brian Williams interviews a pretty incoherent Bush

Wow. How many times have I said that today? Well, this is the biggest wow of them all. Watch this video of Brian Williams interviewing Bush. If I can find it on YouTube later, I'll embed it, but for now click that link and download the clip. First of all, it's hillarious how terrible the interview is. Bush really embarrasses himself. The whole time he's saying the wrong things, acting really scatterbrained, and getting confused the whole time. I think he might be drunk, that's honestly how bad it is. Take a look.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

That's true, and actually, the definition for "Superhero" is:

"a hero, esp. in children's comic books and television cartoons, possessing extraordinary, often magical powers."

That clearly makes Batman out of the running if you say "magical" powers. But does a superhero really have to have super powers? Or by "superhero" is it just saying a hero that is superior to other heroes? Further, Batman may not have "magical" powers, but he still possesses "extraordinary" powers.
