Friday, August 25, 2006

Hood To Coast 2006

The 2006 Hood To Coast Relay starts today, and began just a few minutes ago actually. At 8:00am this morning, the first of over 12,000 runners, in waves of 20, took off from Timberline Lodge at Mt. Hood, embarking on the 197 mile excursion that will take them and their 12-member teams through Portland and end up on the banks of the Pacific Ocean at Seaside.

The event is celebrating its 25th year, and to celebrate, they are adding fireworks to their big beach party on Saturday, selling commemorative bottles of wine, and also hosting live music at the Hawthorne Bridge. How convenient that I just happen to work right on the Hawthorne Bridge. Well, it's on the esplanade side of the river, and it's going to start up when the first group reaches that point, which won't be until later on tonight, as you can imagine it takes a while to get from Mt. Hood to Portland. The planned 20 hours of music will be put on by kink FM 102, which isn't exactly "my station", but hey, live music is live music, so I may see if I can catch some on my last break today.

I ran the Hood To Coast with my Dad and a team of his work friends a couple years in high school, and I really, really liked it. The whole atmosphere is amazingly fun, there's no pressure to compete, but rather a silliness that could only be found with crazy runners. People decorate their vans, they run in rediculous clothing, they drive down the road honking their horns like madmen, it's just all a really fun experience. I've been interested in doing it again one of these years, but I've only thought about it, no serious action. Yet. What would be really fun would be a group of all my friends, most of whom are pretty darn athletic and a few of whom were even runners in high school and college. I don't think it would be that hard putting a team together, but again, it's only a thought.

Hopefully the weather stays nice for all those participating this weekend, including the walkers doing the Portland To Coast and the high schoolers doing the High School Challenge. Good luck to all, and please, don't jaywalk in Scappoose, the cops there will write you a ticket. I'm serious, their douchebags.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the memories. Those were the good old days.


Kevin said...

Those were fun times. Watching them run through downtown tonight really brought me back too. Any thoughts of maybe coming out of retirement?
