Thursday, August 24, 2006

Pluto fans are DEVESTATED!

You remember that post I made last week about Pluto officially becoming a planet? Yeah, well that celebration was short lived apparently. Those jerks over at the International Astronomer's Union have pulled a fast one on the entire world today! When I said that Pluto was a planet, because they said it was, I guess it was just a "proposal", even though all the reports about it didn't mention anything about a "proposal". Well, either way, I guess the bastards rejected it! That's right, they sucked the air right out of Pluto's sails. (There's no air in space, this guy's as dumb as a rock).

The definition for a "planet" that they came up with will remain, but I guess Pluto has an oblong orbit that intersects with Neptune's, so that rules it out. Some stupid astronomer technicality. Now we're down to 8 planets. I hate this! Life will not be the same without that little guy. Pluto has always been picked last for dodgeball, and it accepts that, but now we're not even letting him play? That's just mean.

I realize I've been posting a lot about news and things in the news, but you know? There's nothing going on in my life right now. I get up, go to work, come home, go to the gym some, run some, eat, and go to bed. Rinse and repeat. So it's pretty boring. But I swear to you, when stuff happens, I'll write about it. Until then, umm, read Bryan's blog. He's got a nice little do-it-yourself string going right now. Ripping up the floors in the cabin and such. Keep reading here of course, I need the constant reassurance...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are a dork, but I love it
