Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Kidnapped Fox News journalists alive

On August 14, a Fox News reporter and his cameraman were pulled from their van near Palestinian security services headquarters in Gaza City. Today, they were shown on Al-Jezeera alive and apparently well. American reporter Steve Centanni, 60, of the San Francisco area, and Olaf Wiig, 36, of New Zealand appeared sitting on the floor in sweatsuits with no armed me in sight.

The men say their captors are treating them well, allowing them showers, food, water, and bathroom access. Centanni appeared saying "I'm here and alive and give my love to my family and friends and ask that you do anything you can to try to help us get out of here." Both men added that any political pressure they could impose would be helpful, and of course, sent love to their families and friends and told them not to worry.

Well, I'd be really worried, but given the situation and their captors, the Holy Jihad Brigades, an unknown Palestinian group, it looks as if they are doing just fine. The group is allegedly holding them as colatteral, and said they are setting a 72-hour deadline for swapping the two men for Muslim prisoners held in U.S. prisons. We'll see how this is dealt with, but hopefully it's resolved peacefully. This kind of thing has happened before, Palestinian militant groups kidnapping foreigners, but this is the longest period of time any has been held.

Now, to send you off hating me and asking how he could say that, I give you this: stupid Fox News. I wish it were Hannity, Colmes, Bill O'Reilly, Scarborough, or one of those other douchebags. Fox News sucks.

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