Friday, August 18, 2006

Third time has got to be bittersweet for Powell

Read the full story here.

Jamaican sprinter and co-world record holder in the 100-meter dash Asafa Powell equaled his world record mark of 9.77 for the 3rd time today. AMAZING! Only 2 men in the world have ever run that fast (Justin Gatlin being the other, but he's being brought up on doping charges after testing positive in April, so he might get stripped of his record), and Asafa has done it 3 times! Amazing. After the race at the Weltklasse Golden League meet in Zurich, Switzerland, Asafa said that the race felt good, but he thinks he can go faster. I sure hope so, because this guy is incredible.

You know, this has got to be bittersweet right now. He runs the world record time on 3 seperate occasions, but he can't break it. Sure he's fast, and he's won all those races, but he can't get over the hump. Not even 9.76. Tough luck man. Is that timing system regulation size or what? Anyways, he's still got plenty of time left, and he feels like he can run faster, so best of luck to him and congratulations...again.

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