Monday, August 21, 2006

Fall plans

September is almost here, which means school is around the corner. Summer is coming to a close, so I figured I'd give you all an update on what my plans are this fall. Actually, I'm not sure I can call it an update, because I'm talking about the future, and I've never said anything about it before, but whatever. I'm calling it an update anyways.

First, today is my 10th from last day of work. Not sure if thinking of it that way is better than 2 weeks more, but either way, my last day of work is September 1st. 8-5 for the next 10 days, and then I'm headed to Eugene.

This coming weekend, Hayley's going to drive down and hang out on Saturday, and then we're both going to head down to Eugene to move a bunch of my stuff that I have stored at a friend's apartment into the house I'm living in. She'll be moving stuff in too, but her and Michele are renting a UHaul the next day, Monday, because they have a lot more stuff than I do. I have to do it next weekend because their lease is up on August 31, and for all of you keeping track at home, that's the day before September 1st, so that would be too late.

On the 1st, after work, I'll be packing the few things I have from home and heading to Eugene. The next day is Oregon's first home football game, so that's when my internship duties will officially begin. Aside from football stuff, the rest of the month, until school starts on the 25th, I'll be hanging out, buying my books, and just enjoying the time away from work and school.

Hopefully that answers all the questions, and now Mom and Dad can stop asking me "when are you leaving again?" The 1st Mom. :)

Actually, I know what my mom needs, so here you go Mom, hope this helps:

August 26: Hayley comes to Portland
August 27: We both head to Eugene
August 28-September 1: Last week of work
September 1: Leave for Eugene

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Kev. You're a pal. You know how I love the visual. I appreciate your patience with my incessant questioning. It's been great having you around.
