Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Busta Rhymes kicked me in the face, says teen

Roundhouse kick!

That was the headline I was greeted with this morning when I got to work. I open up my Google homepage with all my personalized news on it, which basically consists of the top stories of the day and then sports, and I found out Busta Rhymes kicked some guy in the face! I know this will totally discredit my morality, but that's awesome! I think kicks to the face are the best kind of kicks. Now, if it was a roundhouse kick, then it would be over. Busta Rhymes would be immortalized, and this kid would be dead. Roundhouse kicks to the face, if you've learned anything from Chuck Norris, are the absolute best kind of kicks, and especially in Chuck's case, the most lethal.

Apparently this kid, last name Lebron, 19 years old, accidentally spit on Busta's car as it rolled down 6th Avenue in Manhattan. Accidentally spit on a moving car? I don't think so. But anyways, Busta got out and asked "Homie, did you just spit on my car?" to which Lebron said "Sorry, I didn't mean to." Then he did some ass kissing and said he was a big fan, blah, blah, blah, and then one of Busta's guys hit him in the face! He fell to the ground, and that's when Busta started kicking him in the face. That's real street Busta, kick him when he's on the ground holding his jaw, real thug life man.

The incident took place around 4am, and Busta was arrested Saturday night after his show. He was charged with 3rd-degree assault. Now, this headline certainly caught my eye, but now that I know more, I have my own:

"Rapper Rhymes busta's up Lebron's face with vicious roundhouse kicks to the face"

That's sure to get 1,000,000 hits in 2 hours.

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