Sunday, September 24, 2006

Back in the saddle

It has been a long time since my last post. I hate to open this post like that, because I hate that generic line that everyone always writes, even when it hasn't been more than two days. Truth is though, it has been a long time since I last posted, and even then it was only to post that Oregon media player (which is awesome by the way). ANYWAYS, I've been enjoying the time away from everything, but since classes start tomorrow, I figure this is a good time to get back in the saddle.

Since I haven't told you anything worthwhile about myself in the last month, I'll start with a recap. About a week after I moved down to Eugene, our house was broken into. I was coming home from work, and saw somebody in our house. He turned, saw me, and ran out the front door before I could get through the back. He came through a cracked window. The guy took a my iPod, my watch Hayley gave me for Valentine's Day, my digital camera, and my big Coke bottle full of change. He also took a lot of Hayley's jewelry which was more valuable in total and far more important to her than my stuff. We did all the police stuff, they came out to the house, dusted for prints, the whole shebang.

The next day we went around to pawn shops with a list of the stuff and handed them out. We did that all morning, and then literally 5 minutes after we decided that was good for the day, a detective called me and said she thought they may have found some of our stuff. So we went in, and sure enough, some of Hay's jewelry and my watch were sitting on the table. All the jewelry was the less valuable stuff, but at least it was something. That was the last we heard from them for about 2 weeks.

Then they called me for the lineup, for which the detective came out to the house and showed me 6 pictures. Before she showed them to me, she encouraged me in the most obvious but legal way not to choose one if I wasn't sure, because they got a confession out of the guy about our house. Regardless, I saw the jackass' face and immediately picked him out. After the dectective hit me in the arm and said "yay", I asked how they caught him. Apparently, the day of our break in, he went into 2 other houses. In that 2nd one, he was walked in on by a military police officer, and surprisingly just held until the police came. I wish the guy would have beat the shit out of him, but he had himself and the bastard under control I guess. So they let him go 2 days later, and he comes right back up the street and burglarizes the house RIGHT across the street from us. Fortunately, campus police had seen him and recognized him about a half hour earlier on foot, so when he cameback down towards campus on a bike with a backpack, they nabbed him.

Next to come is grand jury, so I'll get my subpoena in the mail sometime and hopefully help in getting this guy what he deserves. I'm excited actually.

Anyways, that's that. In other news, I'm still doing the football internship, but haven't done much yet. Hopefully it'll pick up when school starts. Other than that I've just been living, relaxing, and enjoying my roommate's company.

I'm back in the saddle, so check back regulary.


Anonymous said...

I've been thinking about you today, Kevin. Good luck on your start back to school. Hope you have a good first week. I wondered why no posts lately, but hey, summer is summer. Now that autumn is officially here and school is back, I wish you and your mates a happy year. Say hi to Hayley for me. Don't be a stranger.

Love to you.....D

Kevin said...

We all say hello to you, Hayley especially. Thanks for the well-wishes, and keep checking back, because I'll be getting back in the swing of things, and I've got a lot to say.
