Tuesday, September 26, 2006

School Daze

Well, the first 2 days of class are in the books, and consequnetly, so is my nose. Of my 4 classes, I have homework already for 3, and one has me reading over 100 pages. It's a lit class, so hopefully they are easy pages, but who knows. I've got a lot of reading ahead of me for the next 10 weeks, so hopefully it's all good stuff. Come to think of it, my books cost me $375 bucks this term, so they all better damn well be the best fucking books I've ever read! Either way, I think I am going to like 3 of the 4 classes, and absolutely hate the other. This is all just first impressions after the first class of course. My business law class seems like it's going to be really interesting in every way except the professor. This guy speaks slower than somebody doing a really bad Jack Nicholson impression. Anyways, I'm off to my first official internship meeting over at Autzen, so hopefully it will take my mind off of the 100+ pages worth of boredom I'm sure to suffer through later tonight.


Anonymous said...

Hey, good to know that money is paying for something....hard work! Thanks for the update.


Zach Francis said...

Ah school textbooks. I just love being raped in the wallet. I thought my $320 was bad, and that was through Amazon instead of the school, but if I know anything about one number being bigger than the other (and with my fancy college education I think I do) the 375 has me beat.

cody said...

i have to agree with zach. 375 > 320.

its weird. when you posted this you had two days under ur belt. when i post this comment i'll have been in school for five weeks.
