Sunday, October 01, 2006

Alright, Alright, I'll do it

So, the blog is going pretty slow this early in the year, what of it? I'm doing what I can. I have just been settling into my classes and getting used to the workload, so you know what? Bear with me! All kidding aside, I plan to get on this thing way more often, because I will be at my computer way more than I have been. I also plan to make the jump to Blogger Beta. All that means is potentially a new look, and that's really it.

In other news, we recently got a new 55" HD TV, so that's also been taking up a lot of my time. HD is SOOOO much better than regular TV, it's amazing. If I had a camera I'd post a real picture of it, but I really don't have the money for it, so you'll just have to wait. Until then, this is how it might look:

It's great. That's pretty much the bottom line. So to recap, the blog will get going here soon, the TV is big, and the Ducks are 4-0. Now I'm off to do a BUTTLOAD of homework, and I'm not even in my second week. Awesome.

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