Friday, November 24, 2006

Deja Vu Movie Review

Deja Vu

Pardon the rhyme in the title folks, it's just a coincidence... wait, The Matrix right? Yeah, sorry for the allusion... illusion? Ok, that's all I got. Not really, but I'm going to stop, for everyone's sake. Ok, so on to the review!

Tonight, I saw Deja Vu, the new Tony Scott / Denzel Washington collaboration. Other films they've teamed up for are Man on Fire and Crimson Tide, both good movies, and Deja Vu was no exception. It started off like any other crime investigation movie, we witnessed a crime, we were introduced to the team that was going to try and solve it, and away we went. But from there, in the "how will they solve it" phase, it deviated from the usual, and went in a new direction that was fresh to the genre, in my opinion anyway. I'm not going to ruin anything for anyone, because I really liked the movie and recommend you see it, but I'm still going to tell you what I thought.

First of all, it was definitely a Tony Scott movie. All his juxtoposing of scenes and angles, the way he creates an erratic feeling with his directing, all the transitions and everything are all very stylized like Tony Scott tends to do. Now, this movie even took it to another level. The surveillance equipment they use in this movie, which by the way is pretty rediculous conceptually, but either way, it looks totally like an outlet for Scott's stylistic expression. If you know what I mean when I reference his style, you'll know what I'm talking about if you see it. As far as Denzel goes, he was great as always, nothing new. But of course, nothing new means it was awesome and totally engaging. If he keeps playing these parts, he'll always be great.

Now, plot wise, considering the storyline and the way it played out (not going to ruin it), it was written very well. There are a lot of logical leaps you must accept, but they are all really easy to accept. I was impressed. I also really liked the story between Denzel and the girl. It's hard to write a good love story into one of these action movies (see Minority Report), but this one was well done. Speaking of which, I have an announcement.

I am in love with Paula Patton. She was amazingly beautiful and very attractive in this movie. Great mouth. Yes, of course I love Hayley, but this girl is on the top of my list (have you seen that Entourage episode? With the girl who's engaged and Vince is on her celebrity list? Yeah, that's the list). I'm sure Hayley will understand :) Oh Hay, by the way, Val Kilmer is in this, and he's pretty plump. Thought you'd like to know.

So, even though I haven't told you anything about the movie, I'm gonna wrap this up. Bottom line: I very much recommend this movie. While it may not be a great movie or anything, it is VERY entertaining. On the Reganometer, I give this movie 7 out of 10, and say go see it! Thanks for reading.

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