Sunday, April 29, 2007

Back For A Second Season!

Man, it seems like it's been a long time since I've last posted. This past week was easily the busiest of the term. I had 3 midterms which all went well, some surprisingly so, and then I had some assignments due. On top of that, I had the busiest week I've ever had over in the football department. We've got our new wave of interns, so that was kind of hectic. I am in charge of getting the new interns' projects they did in the last couple of weeks all ready to go out, and I am still learning Photoshop, so that has been time consuming. I was also in charge of faculty for the Spring football game that was yesterday, so all week I was getting everything settled for that (which was much more than I thought), and then all the coaches are going away for a month to recruit next week, so I had to get a bunch of stuff ready to go for Coach Greatwood. However, today was nice, because everything really culminated yesterday, so today I had nothing to do. Next week I have a midterm, but it shouldn't be too bad after that. Anyways, I've got a lot of stuff I want to write about, but we'll see how far I get.

First of all, Matt had another track meet Friday and ran very well, beating his personal bests in the 400m and 800m, so congrats to him. You can check the times on my sidebar.

Two days ago, I was leaving Autzen and waiting at a stop light behind a couple cars. The light turns green, but I hadn't started moving yet, and my car jerks. It was the type of jerk like I had killed it really bad, and I didn't doubt it because I need an oil change pretty bad (tomorrow). I turned the key to start it again, but it was still running. Then I realized that I had been rear ended, and turned around to see what was going on. This car was pretty much in my bumper, and the girl who was driving had her head in her hands, so I knew that's what happened. We pulled into a lot, and I got out to look at the damage. I was already late for class, and this just wasn't what I needed. So I head around the back of the truck fearing the worst, thinking about what I need to do insurance wise, and when I get around, there was nothing. No dent, no paint scratches, no sign of an accident. Then I head around to the front of her crappy little Saturn or something, ask her if she's alright (she was), and check for damage on her car. Damage. She had a nice dent with a nasty paint chip, and her hood was knocked out of place a little. I kind of laughed on the inside. I guess what had happened is she had driven right into the iron plate that the hitch ball is connected to (which I assume is connected to the truck's frame), and when her plastic front hit that plate, I won. So we just left, and now she's got a front hood to fix. Not sure if that's how you do it, but whatever.

As I was saying, I have been doing a lot of Photoshop stuff, so I wanted to post it up here. First is a mailout that I did with my buddy Franklin. I think it turned out awesome. Click to see the big version. This was really my first endeavor into real Photoshop, and I think it turned out really good. If you were a recruit, what would you say if you got this in the mail? I would probably put it on my wall, but hey, that's 'cause I made it.

Next, at dinner tonight, Jake, Ryan, and I decided we want to start making little short movies. We all had tons of fun doing movies in high school, and we miss it. With Andy Smaberg as our motivation, we're starting our own production company (if it even merits that name). Tonight we're going to film our first one, and I'll get it up here as soon as I can. This picture is our logo. We're "Crybart". Inside joke, if you don't get it, that's the point. Click to enlarge again.

Um, I guess that's really all I got. Look for the first Crybart production soon.

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