Tuesday, April 24, 2007

NCAA bans texting

They're at it again. In the same vein of not being able to talk to recruits during a certain time of the year, the NCAA is set to review a proposed rule change on Thursday that will make text messaging recruits illegal. With a limit already on phone calls and visits, it's no surprise that this was coming, but it seems pretty late. Text messaging has blown up in recruiting the last few years, and now I'm sure every college coach knows how to text. I know ours do a ton. But that seems to be the way the NCAA "banning committee" works: something cool comes out, they ban it. I'm surprised it took this long for text messages though, because there is some stuff we (UO) do that get banned right after we do them. Either way though, text messaging = no more.

The NCAA really doesn't want anyone to have any fun do they? What is this, the NFL? Next, recruits will have to wear certain socks to official visits. But hey, can't spell insane without NCAA.

[via Ducks Blog]

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