Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Florida Legislature Forces UF To Idolize Jeb Bush

This story comes from It's a liberal political blog, and while I don't read it regularly, I like it when I do read it. However, my point in mentioning that is that regardless of your political affiliation, this story is ridiculous.

About 2 weeks ago, the University of Florida faculty senate voted 38-28 to deny Jeb Bush an honorary degree. Their reasoning was they didn't like his education initiatives such as getting rid of race-based admission to state schools (essentially affirmative action), using standardized test scores to reward and punish schools, and issuing private school vouchers paid for by the public.

Well, yesterday the (Republican-controlled) Florida House Schools & Learning Council voted to force UF to rename their education building the "Jeb Bush College of Education." On top of that, they must "erect suitable markers noting the college’s new name and include the revised name in all university documents, including catalogues and brochures." The council acknowledged that they got the idea as a response to the denial two weeks ago.

What a bunch of horse shit! First of all, I know honorary degrees don't mean anything, so it's funny that Jeb didn't get one. However, I was under the impression that HONORARY degrees were given out at the discretion of the university to deserving people. I had no idea that a school could be punished for not giving one out, especially not one that was lobbied for. That goes against the entire principle of the honorary degree. And yes, this certainly is punishment. Think about how the attendance is going to drop after people see that big "Jeb Bush" sign, made with a crayon and the inside of a Cheerios box, stapled to the siding. Think about this if it were in any other situation besides politics. The whole thing is absurd. It really is.


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