Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Fall term wrap-up

Fall term is now in the books for me, and it feels good. I was done yesterday, celebrated last night, and have played Halo almost all day today. It was the best day I've had in about a week because the rest were spent either studying for my finals or worrying about studying for them. I get a little anxious before exams, regardless of if they are big, so I really just sit and think about studying, which is annoying.

Anyways, I had 3 classes this term, and here's how they turned out:

Marketing Communications
This class was a required marketing class, so as I've come to realize, that means boring and easy. The only real work we did was create a marketing plan for Oregon Baseball. That was fun and pretty routine because of my athletic department experience, but time consuming. Our teacher was one of the weirdest, most flustered guy, which was pretty funny to watch, but annoying to listen to everyday. I think I did pretty well, and I can only expect to get an A- because that seemed to be the only grade he gave out all term. I swear, I've never gotten so many A-'s in one class ever. It became kind of a joke for everyone by the end of the term because everyone seemed to get that grade. But seriously, I'm hoping for an A-.

New Product Innovation
I was most excited about this class going into the term, and it turned out to be pretty cool, but really not that educational or inspiring. We created a product over the course of the term then went through the process of developing a marketing plan and everything. The product my group created was a water bottle top with a filter in it so you could filter tap water as you drink it. It worked for the class, so we went with it. I know I got a B in this class, and I'll take it due to the crappy partners I had. I don't even want to get into that.

Human Resources Management
I took this class because I heard it was easy, and it was, but I'm not sure it was worth sitting through. It was boring and not at all something I care about. At least I now know that I don't want to go into HR. Studying for this class was the worst because it was a 160 question multiple choice study guide that was all out of the book, nothing from class, but it was still easy. So easy that I finished my 50 question final exam, I shit you not, in 5 minutes. That's a new personal record by about 15 minuted for any exam, let alone a final. I expect an A, but I really don't know.

So there you have it. Overall a pretty good term. Next term is a Japanese class, a music class, and a business class. Should be pretty relaxed. Now it's time to hang out for a month and enjoy the holiday season. Christmas music here I come!

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