Friday, February 15, 2008

Vegas update #1

Well, we got in yesterday about 11pm, and immediately went out to the casino. My dad, his work buddy Scott and I came in together, and Bill, another work buddy, got in today. Last night was kind of up and down, nothing too exciting. Right off the plane Scott played a slot and won $60 right off the bat. I swear those machines at the airport are programmed to pay out more so that you either get a false sense of success coming in or have a reason to come back going out. My first win came on the second pull of the first slot I played. I won $100, took it and ran. Then we played a little blackjack, and I went up a little more. Scott and Dad played BJ and slots and were up and down throughout. I lost a bit on slots and roulette after that, and then hit a $200 slot. I gambled a little after and ended the night up $200. Today, we woke up late after being up until 5:30am, and headed out for
another day. We met Bill soon after, and day 2 begins...

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