Monday, March 31, 2008

Complete List of 'The Dark Knight' Viral Sites

You should all know by now that the marketing for The Dark Knight has been heavily viral. They've done commercials and stuff too, and you kind of have to with a movie this big, but the way they've been going about the rest of it has really been interesting, not to mention elaborate. One of those ways is creating these websites, of which there are 19 27 now. I had no idea there were that many, but this list has been floating around the internet today, so I would like to present them here.

They are really interesting, especially from a marketing perspective, and they've almost taken on a life of their own. One in particular to pay attention to in Clown Travel Agency. It has a departure date listed as 4-01, which is tomorrow, so the Joker must be planning a little April Fools Day joke for us all. Nobody is sure what is going to happen, but that's really the fun of these sites.

Anyways, here are all 19 27, with links to each. Enjoy.

1. I Believe in Harvey Dent
2. Concerned Citizens for a Better Gotham
3. Clown Travel Agency
4. The HaHaHa Times
5. The Gotham Times
6. Maiden Avenue Report
7. Gotham Cable News
8. Dana Worthington
9. Citizens for Batman
10. Saints Withuns Church
11. GVA Foundation
12. Gotham Police Department Internal Affairs Division
13. Gotham Cab
14. I Believe in Harvey Dent Too
15. Joseph Candoloro
16. Gotham City Clerk
17. Gotham Election Board
18. Why So Serious
        -Why So Serious Personality Profile
        -Why So Serious Mausoleum
19. Rory's Death Kiss

20: Trust Garcetti
21: Remembering Gina
22: Gotham Police
23: Gotham Unified School District
24: Gotham City Rail
25: Gotham National Bank
26: We Are The Answer
27: ACME Security Systems
        -ACME DELOS Security Site

I had never seen a lot of these, I [really] can't believe how many there are. Some are pretty awesome, and some are just okay, but together they are pretty impressive. Any I missed?

[via] [via] [via]

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