Thursday, February 15, 2007

Audioslave breaks up

That's right folks, Chris Cornell has officially broken up 2 good bands. I guess I can't really say that's he's the reason that they broke up, but it probably was. It's always the great lead singer leaving the band for bigger and better things. But what happens to the rest of the band? It's like Rage Against The Machine. You guys remember what happened to the other guys when Zach de la Rocha left? Oh, that's right, they picked up Chris Cornell and formed Audioslave. But unless they can pick up another great rock voice like they did with Cornell, they may not make it this time. Hopefully they do though.

Anyways, this post is not really about Audioslave breaking up, because honestly, who cares? And while I like Chris Cornell a lot, he'll find another band and I'll like them, so I'm impartial. The reason I wanted to post is to test out some handy-dandy new poll system I found. I also have a great poll question: Which jobless lead singer would you rather have, Chris Cornell or Zach de la Rocha?

Don't know who these guys are? Hear them:

Chris Cornell with Audioslave - "One and the Same"

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Zach de la Rocha with Rage Against the Machine - "Freedom"

powered by ODEO

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