Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Sick and tired of being sick and tired!

Since the minute I woke up on Saturday, I have been sick. I wasn't sick at all, at least noticeably, on Friday night, but come Saturday morning, boom: sick. It sucks. I think I have what Bryan had, which is just a general "shit" feeling all the time, with aching, chest and sinus congestion, headache, fatigue, and coughing that has given me a SUPER sore throat. Like I said, a general "shit" feeling. The cough is the worst right now. I'm pretty sure I'm over most of the aches and fatigue, but the congestion and cough is still going strong.

I have been taking drugs like a maniac for the last 36 hours, DayQuil, NyQuil, Chloraseptic spray, Aleve, Tylenol, and about a billion cough drops, but it's still hanging around. It's not too fun. Today I had an assignment due and a midterm, but that wasn't too bad. I have nothing due in any classes until next week though, so hopefully it'll be gone by then.

It's Valentine's Day tomorrow too, so hopefully I can drug up enough to not make too much noise in the restaurant tomorrow night. We're going to Ambrosia down here in Eugene, which should be really fun, and hopefully I don't OD before dessert. I have lost a little bit of my appetite with this cold, but not too much, and I've been drinking a lot of fluids, so I'm sure it will be fine. I'll post highlights from tomorrow's festivities on Thursday. Until then, Happy Valentine's Day!

P.S. Anybody got any old family recipes to cure a sore throat? I've tried the above mentioned drugs and cough drops, tea, honey, lots of water, juice, even Coke, (which didn't help the throat at all, but I think the caffeine helped me get through the day.) so anything you've got I will try.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nothing but time cures the common cold. Sounds ugly. Hope you are feeling a bit better today. Happy Valentine's Day to you and Hayley!

