Friday, March 30, 2007

Back to blogging shortly

Just wanted to let everyone know that I got home last night and will be blogging sometime before the start of the new term, Monday. I've been exhausted and trying to catch up with friends before I head back to Eugene, so it may be another day or so still. I had a GREAT time in Vegas, and I'll be sure to fill you in on how it went. Here's what I plan to cover in the next (big) post (oh it'll be huge):

  • Highlights of the Vegas trip, with pictures. (this will take up a lot of space, so be prepared to see and read.)
  • The Ducks Elite 8 run and Aaron Brooks winning the college 3-point contest.
  • My thoughts about next term (school)
  • Anything else I think is important and/or noteworthy.
Thanks for sticking around. I should be up to the usual 1 or 2 + posts a day soon.

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