Vegas: The Pictures
Alright, so writing about my trip is going to be a multiple-post effort because there is so much to say. Sorry it's taken me so long, but after this break, I've really needed just a few days of doing completely nothing before the next term begins. Anyways, I've decided to first put up some pictures with basic captions, and then later, when I feel up to it, I'll give the big long tale of the trip. After that, I'll splash funny stories in here and there when I am compelled. So, without further ado, here are some pictures of my trip to Las Vegas (click them to see the big version):The lobby of the Bellagio was filled with huge floral decorations. Just more proof that Vegas is all about excess.
This is a crazy picture from a pedestrian bridge through the protective glass, so the Bellagio got reflected from behind me into the shot and looks like it's behind Ballys when really, it's across the street from it.
This was the facade of the Beatles show LOVE at the Mirage. It was AMAZING! I hope to see it 910 more times before I die (actual goal). Why 910? Because I bet the one after 909 will be really good... sorry.
This is a postcard-esque shot of the Bellagio. If you haven't guessed by now, this is where we stayed.
This is a shot of the Paris hotel & casino, across the street from the Bellagio.
I saw Hef and the 3 girls while I was there. The line to get a picture or autograph or whatever was way too long though. Pete Rose was signing autographs behind them in a little shop too. His line: 2 people.
My dad and I in front of the Paris hotel entrance which has "The 'Hoff" plastered all across the front for The Producers. Talk about classing up the place. This is probably my favorite picture.
This is one of Paul McCartney's bass guitars that all 4 of them signed. I would love that in my living room some day.
My uncle met us one night. He's a pilot and just happened to be in Vegas for the night. There's half of his face, with my dad and I.
This is a view from the roof of the 51-story Rio hotel and casino at a club called Voodoo. It was a great view, and there were a bunch of people up there, but it was really windy. We also hit the Playboy club across the street at the Palms.
So there you have it. Just some cool pictures of the trip. When we were having the most fun, I usually wasn't taking pictures, but that's where the story of the trip comes in. Probably in a couple days. I had a GREAT time, and these pictures will help me remember forever (cheeeeeeesy).
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