Thursday, October 18, 2007

This Blog is a Money Making Machine!

Not sure if you can see that big number down at the bottom of that picture below, but that's the total money this blog has earned since I put that ad banner up at the top. No, you're reading it right, that says $1.46. My AdSense experiment has been running for about a month, I've had almost 2,000 visits over that time, and there's the result.

I started out with a few more ads, but the money they actually bring in for this site is not worth the eye sore they created. I'm not going to take the big banner down just yet, but I'm getting close.

I would love to have traffic-generating content, I would. I'd love to put up more CRYBART videos, but my fellow filmmakers don't seem to want to do much of that anymore, and I try and write stuff that people want to read in general, but it just hasn't tipped the hit-scale much. Read what I have to say about that after the jump.

I am still interested in experimenting with how people make money online, and this one has been good because now I know you need to have a really popular site that gets a lot of hits and clicks on the ads to actually generate a decent amount of revenue. This type of blog is not the way to do it.

Like I said before, I try to put up content that is interesting, funny, or just something people will want to read, but I don't generate that much traffic. I average about 35 hits a day, not including my own, and my high is 335 hits in one day. It was weird, actually, because that day was April 19th of this year, and I didn't post anything that day. I've only broken 300 1 other time, come close a few, and hit 3 digits enough, but the average is 35.

The point of this blog isn't really to get hits as much as it is an outlet for me, but it helps when people do read, because that motivates me to write more. I'm sure that's true for everyone else too. I would love to post stuff everyday too, just because I plain like doing it, but the combination of not having anything to write about, having class and school and work, and not having a computer I can easily take to class (and blog on in class) keeps me from doing that.

I'm trying to create new stuff, more continuous stuff, just so I have something to fall back on if I don't have anything else to write about, and that's coming. I have those banner subjects I wrote about a few weeks ago; I just did the first "My Sites" and then this is my first Blogarrhea rant. I'd like to do more CRYBART and more creative things that are original, and I'm starting up a micro blog here that will be pictures from my cell phone of random things I see when I'm out. Hopefully I can get this baby going again.

But, back to what this post was initially about, this whole AdSense thing was fun to try, and could potentially be a nice chunk of change to someone, but as for me, not. I'm going to fish around (maybe phish around?) for another experiment, and see what I can do.

Any suggestions or comments about any of this would be much appreciated. I love comments. And if any of you CRYBART guys are reading this, let's get back on this thing guys! It was so much fun, and we have so much more to do! Thanks for reading.


Ryan Maley said...

This crybart co worker is always ready for a new movie! Besides that $1.46 can almost buy you a nice Maddog 20/20 or maybe some Camo Black Ice XXXXX!

Kevin said...

You make a great point. And since this week is an away game, let's make a movie then. Any ideas? I have a few, but I like the more spontaneous stuff.
