Monday, April 09, 2007

Happy 17th Birthday, Matt!

My brother, the stunningly handsome Matt Regan, turns 17 today, and that picture is very similar to what I imagine his disposition is at the moment. Who can blame him though, aside from the presents and people saying "happy birthday" to him all day, what does turning 17 get him? Oh, that's right, it allows him to get into R-rated movies without an adult, something he's been doing for years already. But just think for a second: at 2:41pm today, 17 years ago, Matt was born. So if I go back in time 17 years from right now, I'm still an only child. Hmm...

No way. Those would be bad times, because my brother is one of my best friends, I love him to death, and I wouldn't want to spend a day without him in my life. I'm so proud of him for the person he has become and is still becoming, for his achievements and personal accomplishments, and the modesty he carries through it all. I wish him the best always, and if he's reading: I love you Matt! Good luck at the meet on Thursday, and I'll see you the following week in Sandy.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Matty!

Anonymous said...

Well said, Kevin, and well-received by Matt I hope. I, too, must say I'm glad to have him in the family. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATT!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm smiling and crying at the same time! You're such a great big brother, Kev. Always appreciate the relationship you share.
Love to the bros,
Your ever-lovin' Mom
