Sunday, May 06, 2007

Bomb Threat Closes Lillis Tomorrow

I got home from playing a little basketball with Ryan at the rec and got a cheery little e-mail (minus the cheery). It read:

Over the weekend, the University of Oregon learned of a bomb threat made against the Lillis Business Complex. Upon receiving the threat, the UO Department of Public Safety immediately contacted the Eugene Police Department and locked down the complex. Law enforcement experts then conducted a sweep of the facilities. No explosive device was found. While UO and law enforcement officials do not believe the threat is credible, the decision has been made to close the buildings on Monday, May 7, 2007 as a precaution. As a result, all classes, activities and other business scheduled in the Lillis Business Complex have been canceled on Monday. The complex will reopen on Tuesday, May 8 at 7 a.m.

Dave Frohnmayer
President, University of Oregon
I hear this kind of thing happens all the time (mostly during Finals Week), but this is way too soon after the VT tragedy to be playing games, and I'm thankful President Frohnmayer feels the same way. Especially since this is where most of my classes are and will be for the rest of my college days. I hope this is a one time thing, because campus could become a scary place if it's not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shame on all the copy-cat immature, perverse, and selfish excuses for humanity who inhabit a body in flesh only with no soul, heart, or compassion for others who happen to view our academic communities as places of scholarship, friendship, peace, and intellectual freedom. Of course, this is a hoax, yet the UO has no choice but to take this precautionary action. After 9/11, after Columbine, after Oklahoma City, after every national tragedy, there have always been weeks of falsely reported copy-cat threats to frighten the rest of us. The University is forced to take the threat seriously. The criminal behind the threat is weak, childish, and a self-absorbed coward. Living amidst the drudge makes me tired. GROW UP PEOPLE!

