Monday, May 07, 2007

The Deck Overhaul, pt. 4

It's been a while since I've posted an update. Since the last one, nothing has really happened, but just today Bryan started a new project, so it's time to get it going again. When I left you last, we were in the middle of coating it with polycrylic. That was the clear coat that was intended to waterproof it. Well, it turns out that the polycrylic was water-based, so when water pooled on it for too long, it would start seeping into the finish, and we were worried it would eventually get to the paint and corrode it essentially, so we went back and found something else.

What we ended up with was oil-based polyurethane. After only 2 coats of that, it was completely water proof. Water could pool on it and nothing would happen. So after 3 more coats, bringing the total to 5, we called it good, and our table was officially complete. This is what the "table area" turned out looking like. That shot is obviously when it's folded down, and it doesn't look much different than it did before we put the clear coat on it, it's just shiny all over. As you can also see, we put up Bryan's huge Coors Light flag, and we also have a bunch of tin signs with random beers and alcohols represented. While we don't discriminate, we do have our preferences (clearly).

So, between that project and the project Bryan just started, we've used the deck a ton. We got a dartboard and have been playing the hell out of that. Then, as I mentioned last week, we got a keg, and that is where Bryan's project comes in.

He has started making a kegerator. Here's a clip from

My base is a 5.0 cubic foot Wood’s chest freezer, modified with a wooden collar on the top and then filled with all the gas, tubing, and fittings that are necessary to dispense the delicious nectar.
Read the whole post here. Today, he went and picked up the chest freezer that he got on Craigslist, and over the past few days he's amassed all the parts necessary to build it. All that's left is to build it. I'll keep you posted on his progress.

Today I went out and snapped a few pictures of what the deck looks like now. Keep in mind Bryan is in the process of building the kegerator and we have a keg back there in a yard debris can full of ice, plus the table and Bry's tool chest. Oh, and our meth-lab-looking blue tarp that's there to keep noise and heat in. And it's not exactly the most spacious deck, so it's a bit crowded right now. Take a look:

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