Monday, March 31, 2008

Complete List of 'The Dark Knight' Viral Sites

You should all know by now that the marketing for The Dark Knight has been heavily viral. They've done commercials and stuff too, and you kind of have to with a movie this big, but the way they've been going about the rest of it has really been interesting, not to mention elaborate. One of those ways is creating these websites, of which there are 19 27 now. I had no idea there were that many, but this list has been floating around the internet today, so I would like to present them here.

They are really interesting, especially from a marketing perspective, and they've almost taken on a life of their own. One in particular to pay attention to in Clown Travel Agency. It has a departure date listed as 4-01, which is tomorrow, so the Joker must be planning a little April Fools Day joke for us all. Nobody is sure what is going to happen, but that's really the fun of these sites.

Anyways, here are all 19 27, with links to each. Enjoy.

1. I Believe in Harvey Dent
2. Concerned Citizens for a Better Gotham
3. Clown Travel Agency
4. The HaHaHa Times
5. The Gotham Times
6. Maiden Avenue Report
7. Gotham Cable News
8. Dana Worthington
9. Citizens for Batman
10. Saints Withuns Church
11. GVA Foundation
12. Gotham Police Department Internal Affairs Division
13. Gotham Cab
14. I Believe in Harvey Dent Too
15. Joseph Candoloro
16. Gotham City Clerk
17. Gotham Election Board
18. Why So Serious
        -Why So Serious Personality Profile
        -Why So Serious Mausoleum
19. Rory's Death Kiss

20: Trust Garcetti
21: Remembering Gina
22: Gotham Police
23: Gotham Unified School District
24: Gotham City Rail
25: Gotham National Bank
26: We Are The Answer
27: ACME Security Systems
        -ACME DELOS Security Site

I had never seen a lot of these, I [really] can't believe how many there are. Some are pretty awesome, and some are just okay, but together they are pretty impressive. Any I missed?

[via] [via] [via]

Damn It: Opening Day for the Atlanta Braves

March 30, 2008: Opening day. And my favorite baseball team, the Atlanta Braves, was kicking off the season. We had kind of a weird off season, notably picking up 42-year old P Tom Glavine and watching CF Andruw Jones walk away. However, we came out of it looking good, ready to attack the always lacking NL East. (Mets, Nationals, Pirates, Marlins - look out!) But seriously, I think this is a much better Braves team than we've seen in the last few years, and could go deep into the postseason.

So, yeah, we lost a star in Andruw Jones, but there's still the stud pitching staff of Hudson, Smoltz, and now Glavine, who can still throw a wicked fastball/change-up combo. Throw Mike Hampton into that mix and you got a great first 4. We have 1B Mark Texiera, who came in with a spark last season, just a little late to salvage the whole season, and he's batting cleanup. Hello RBIs. We picked up CF Mark Kotsay who should really close up most of the hole Andruw Jones left, assuming he stays healthy. And need I remind you, we have Chipper Jones... enough said there. Last season, the first game back from a groin injury, first at-bat, first pitch I think: boom, home run. He's my hands down favorite baseball player. And last but not least, with Bobby Cox in the dugout, it's locked up.

You also got to watch out for Yunel Escobar at short. That guy can hit, and he fits great in front of Chipper and Texiera. And hopefully RF Jeff Francour can keep improving, though he's pretty much a 100-RBI guy as it is, and C Brian McCann rebounds from his injury back to his old self. Anyways, on to the game.

We were facing the Washington Nationals in their brand new Nationals Park, and after President Bush tossed out the first pitch (amongst a shower of "boos," see bottom of post for video), we were off and running. We found ourselves down two early after a couple quick hits turned into a couple quick RBIs, but then Hudson locked it down. We played scoreless until the 4th, when Chipper Jones officially broke in the new stadium with a homer to left-center that President Bush called "a rope." He was in the announcers booth at that point. I guess Chipper's a Democrat. Anyways, it stayed 1-2 into the bottom of the ninth. We were down to our last out, and Texiera had doubled, then Prado, who came in to pinch run, moved to third on a Francour ground out. So with two outs, Nationals' C Paul Lo Duca giftwrapped a passed ball that Prado scored on, tying it up.

We went into the bottom of the ninth having sat down 22 consecutive Nationals' batters. Peter Moylan was on the mound. Struck out the first batter. "Looks like we're going to extra innings, sounds good." Second batter grounded out to third. "Okay, we have Diaz, Kotsay, and Hudson coming up in the 10th. Not great, but not bad." Two outs, first pitch strike. Second pitch, oh FUCK! Goddamned Ryan Zimmerman jacks a walk-off homer to center. Game over. "God damn you Zimmerman! I hate you."

So we came back in the ninth on a lucky pass ball, and I got all excited, only to have my dreams thrown on the ground and shit on with a 2-out walk-off homer. That hurts. I would have rather lost in the 10th, or maybe not have come back at all, than take that heart breaker.

Hopefully I can get over it by tomorrow, when the Braves take on the Pirates at Turner Field. I think we have a free preview of MLB Extra Innings this week, so I might be able to watch it. It's on at 4:10P, and since I don't have class on Mondays, I'll be there. Maybe before the game I'll hit up the mall and get a new hat. I'm not sure if these were the hats they were wearing today, but I really liked just the plain blue with the classic white A. I'm not too much of a fan of the classic blue with red bill, but if it has to come down to that, I'll take one for the team. GO BRAVES!

UPDATE: Bush getting booed throwing out the first pitch.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Stephen Curry = Amazing

Not only has this kid led Davidson to a 25 game winning streak (including tonight's win over Wisconsin), not only is he the leading scorer in the dance with 103 points in 3 games and with 6 points tomorrow will have scored more points in a single NCAA Tournament than anyone in history (passing Glenn Robinson), not only did he drop 33 on one of the best defenders in the country in Michael Flowers, not only did he outscore Wisconsin's whole team in the second half 22-20, not only has he done all that stuff, but he can also make shots that make LeBron James cheer. Check out this (crappy) highlight from CBS that shows some of Curry's dominance, and note the layup at the end, and then LeBron's reaction afterwards. If he's not the best player in NCAA Tournament history, I'd be surprised.

I wish I had the SportsCenter highlight I just saw, but I don't. You should definitely watch it if you can, because they do it so much better (as usual).

After the game, LeBron said of Curry, "He's a very, very, very, very, very good basketball player. I don't know if he's coming out in the draft this year. When he does, he has a spot."

As the title says, Stephen Curry = amazing. He's got LeBron on his side for Christ's sake. I pick Davidson over Kansas tomorrow.

You can read more about him, LeBron, and Davidson in a pretty good article Pat Forde published as I was writing this post here.

Kettering University: May the Stickman be with you

I am a senior in college, most of my friends are in college right now, and my brother is a high school senior deep in the college process, so I am quite familiar with the whole college environment. One of the aspects of that environment is the way high schoolers go about selecting colleges, and as a result, how specialty colleges elicit awareness and enrollment. Just like a school with a small sports program has to operate a bit differently than the big schools to try and compete for athletes, specialty colleges also have to operate a bit differently, and Kettering University is a perfect example.

Now, in my opinion, many specialty schools go about advertising the wrong way. They'll have commercials that say things you may want to know as a perspective college student, but they don't connect. The commercials are boring, and I stopped paying attention to them when I was in middle school. But Kettering U takes a much different route in connecting with potential students. Enter Stickman.

This was my favorite Kettering video. You can check out the rest of them here.

Now, let me give you a little background about Kettering University. First off, it's a specialty school in Michigan, and they specialize in mechanical engineering. You can get more specific information on that by clicking that link, but the fact that US News and World Report has ranked Kettering University as "the #1 University in the nation for Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering" in its annual "America's Best Colleges Guide for 2008" makes me believe that they're pretty darn good. Check out all Kettering's US News Best Colleges standings by clicking that link.

Now, back to the video, I think they do a great job of presenting problems facing a high school senior in a way that they can relate to, and then promote themselves as the answer in an honest way. Things that caught my attention were some of their references. They reference Star Wars, ninjas, even Woot!, one of My Sites. They also reference Halo, which everyone knows takes up a solid chunk of my college life.

I like the style and candor of the ads. They know who they're talking to, but that's obviously perspective college students, everyone knows that. The difference is they know how to talk to them. They know where they're at, they know what they're doing, and they explore that. I think this kind of advertising is rare in the college game.

So, if you're interested in taking Vehicular Crash Dynamics and Accident Reconstruction, a course which they offer, or just check out Kettering University, go to their website, Maybe check out some more of those Stickman videos.

I'm Back From Vegas

I got back from Vegas last night, and boy did I have fun. I lost a bunch of money early on, but got it all back and then some in one day of blackjack with Ryan. He must be my good luck charm (and I his, as he won money too). We played 2 separate times at 2 separate casinos, and I won $700 and $500 respectively. That was a very good day. I'm going to have to go to Vegas with him again. Hey Ry, there might be a little Three Rivers or Seven Feathers trip in our future.

It was a very fun trip overall, and would have been even if I hadn't have won money. We packed 5 people into a room, knew tons of people there, and had some "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas" times. I was happy to be buying drinks while I was up, especially the $5 beer and tequila shot combo at O'Shea's (which is basically the Taylor's of Vegas). Just ask Jake. He (superstitiously) won me $75 at the blackjack tables, so I just had to treat him. By the way, Jake, you still have some credit left. 

It was a different trip than my last two, but was just as fun. However, next time I probably won't go with so many people. It was hard to move with such a big group, trying to figure out what everyone wanted to do with so many different mindsets. People have fun in different ways, and while we didn't run into too much trouble with that, it's just easier if you go with only a couple of people.

I'm definitely a Vegas person though. I can say that for sure now after 3 trips. I love that place. And with so many different ways to have fun there, I'm sure I'll be back plenty. Time to start planning the next trip.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

To Vegas!

Tomorrow I head for Vegas for a while, so I'm not going to be posting for a while. I will be posting to KevsPix though, so feel free to check that every once and a while.

Until then, imagine that this is me for about 3 days:

Also, as an added bonus, check out the commercial that makes me feel retarded every time it's on. I swear to you I cannot keep myself from laughing hysterically at this commercial:

See you all in a few days.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Top 5 Actors That Are More Fun to Watch in Dumb Roles

I was listening to Filmspotting, my favorite movie podcast, on my way up to Portland today, and they made a passing remark about some actor being more fun to watch when they are in dumb roles. By that I mean playing unintelligent characters. Most of the time this shows up in comedic roles, but not always.

So I was thinking about that on my ride, and came up with 5 big actors that have been in a lot of movies and a lot of different roles, but that I have more fun watching in dumb roles. So without further ado, here are my top 5 actors that are more fun to watch in dumb roles.

#5: Billy Bob Thornton
(Slingblade vs. Armageddon)
Remember the dealer from the saloon in Tombstone that Kurt Russel slaps? That's my favorite Billy Bob Thornton role. He plays this local simpleton that gets an attitude check from Wyatt Earp himself, and it's awesome. But if you look at Slingblade, a great movie that he is amazing in, versus the character he plays in Armageddon. He's the head of NASA, and he's boring. He plays the role in the most cookie-cutter way, and it's boring. Or the guy in The Astronaut Farmer. It's a decent movie, but he's nothing special. When Billy Bob is at his best is when he's playing a dumb characters.

#4: John Travolta
(Pulp Fiction vs. Phenomenon)
I chose to use Phenomenon instead of Battlefield Earth, because that just wouldn't be fair. What a shitbox of a movie that was. Anyways, take movies like Phenomenon or Swordfish, and look at Travolta's acting. It's boring. Take Face/Off and Basic. He plays the same character. And while I personally like those last 2 movies, he's not the reason why. But then look at Pulp Fiction. He is awesome as this idiot hitman, borderline iconic. This was a great role, and he was a lot of fun to watch. He got his start as Vinnie Barbarino, the class dullard, so it's no surprise that he's better in those kinds of roles.

#3: Tim Robbins
(Mystic River vs. The Shawshank Redemption)
Tim Robbins has lately made his career out of cameos in which he plays hilarious dumb guys. The ones I can think of are the public news anchor from Anchorman and the crazy, one-legged guy in Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny. He's hilarious in those movies, and I like watching him even in those than I do in roles like Andy Dufresne in Shawshank. Now don't get me wrong, I like that movie a lot, and think the character of Andy Dufresne is a good one, but I don't really buy him in that role. He just didn't pull off the silent mastermind for me. His role of Dave Boyle in Mystic River is much better in my opinion. It's a similar role, just dumbed down, and with no insults intended, he pulled it off.

#2: Dustin Hoffman
(Rain Man vs. All The President's Men)
First off, I'm not saying All The President's Men is bad, because it's not. In fact, I think it won an Oscar for Best Picture, or at least was nominated. However, if you look at Dustin Hoffman in it, relative to his other roles, he's not as good or fun to watch. He was amazing in Rain Man, and it might be unfair to call this (and Slingblade for that matter) a "dumb" role, but I think it applies. I imagine it was a much bigger stretch to play Raymond Babbitt than it was to play Carl Bernstein. Also, look at him in I Heart Huckabees and Stranger Than Fiction, playing that wacko character with frizzy hair and less-than-conventional philosophies. I love those roles, and they're a lot of fun to watch.

#1: Christopher Walken
(Pulp Fiction vs. Catch Me If You Can)
This is, hands down, an actor that is way more fun to watch in those dumb roles. He plays a lot of wacky roles, but the dumb ones specifically are great. To preface, anything Christopher Walken does is gold, and my favorite role he played was in True Romance. That exchange between him and Dennis Hopper is amazing. However, in general, I like watching his other roles more. The perfect example was that small role he had in Pulp Fiction when he tells that story about how he kept that soldier's pocketwatch in his ass. He delivers it with such seriousness, but I can only imagine how hard it would be to be in that room when they're filming this scene and not explode laughing. I also like him in the dissappointment that was Envy, when he plays this crazy guy that befriends Ben Stiller's character and eventually gets shot with an arrow. These roles kind of ruin his serious roles because, whenever he's on screen, I'm just waiting for something funny to come out of his mouth. So his roles in Catch Me If You Can, The Deer Hunter, and Suicide Kings pale in comparison because he is so funny in so many movies. And as good as they are, they just kind of sit there.

So, there you go, there's my list. I would also like to give honorable mention to Ben Affleck and would use Dazed & Confused vs. Hollywoodland as my example. But what do you guys think? Any that I missed? Anything I am totally off-base on? Let me know in the comments.

Barack Obama's Trip to Eugene

My roommate Jake and I went to the Obama rally at Mac Court last night, and man was it awesome. That man knows how to speak, that's for sure. There really wasn't anything he said that I hadn't heard before. If you have heard his other speeches, you pretty much heard the one last night. That doesn't mean it wasn't awesome though, because it absolutely was. Say what you want about him, but he's the only politician to inspire me to the point of smiling. I got chills. I saw Howard Dean and John Edwards speak on campus freshman year, and this speech by Obama, even just his presence, was 100x better than theirs.

When we got there, the line was around the block all the way to Hayward Field, and apparently even circled the track. Wow. If you know that area, you know how big that line was. Must have been over 3,000 people. Jake and I decided to check the other side of the building to see if there was a shorter line over there. What we found was an open door with about 10 people in line in front of it. We looked at each other and wondered if this really could be happening. Then we got in line. I felt bad, because we showed up and were two of the first people in, before a lot of the people who were standing in line all day got in. Some actually didn't get in, and were addressed on the turf fields before he came inside. But I got over it.

Some highlights of the speech and other extraneous things that happened can be read in Jake's post over on the Oregon Commentator blog. He posted about it earlier today, and he's a better writer than me.

UPDATE: You can view the whole speech here (thanks to JASON for the heads up)

I would also like to add to this post something I read today from Time Magazine about Hilary Clinton. It's a post on their political blog that gives 14 reasons why she should drop out, and I like it because it unintentionally hypes Obama. It also makes good points. You can read it here, but I've also posted the 14 reasons below.

1. She can’t win the nomination without overturning the will of the elected delegates, which will alienate many Democrats.

2. She can’t win the nomination without a bloody convention battle — after which, even if she won, history and many Democrats would cast her as a villain.

3. Catching up in the popular vote is not out of the question — but without re-votes in Florida and Michigan it will be almost as impossible as catching up in elected delegates.

4. Nancy Pelosi and other leading members of Congress don’t think she can win and want her to give up. Same with superdelegate-to-the-stars Donna Brazile.

5. Obama’s skilled, close-knit staff can do things like silently kill re-votes in Florida and Michigan and not pay a political price.

6. Many of her supporters — and even some of her staffers — would be relieved (and even delighted) if she quit the race; none of his supporters or staff feel that way. Some think she just might throw in the towel in June if it appears efforts to fight on would hurt Obama’s general election chances.

7. The Rev. Wright story notwithstanding, the media still wants Obama to be the nominee — and that has an impact every day.

8. Obama might not be able to talk that well about the new global economy, but she (and McCain) can’t either.

9. Many of the remaining prominent superdelegates want to be for Obama and she (and Harold Ickes) are just barely keeping them from making public commitments to him.

10. She can’t publicly say more than 2% of all the things she would like to say about race, electability, beating McCain and experience.

11. If she somehow found a way to win the nomination, she would have to offer Obama the veep slot, and she doesn’t want to do that.

12. This is a change election, and Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton can never truly be change.

13. Obama is having fun most days, and she isn’t.

14. Even though her campaign staff is having more fun than it has for a long time, there’s hardly anyone there who, given half a chance, wouldn’t slit Mark Penn’s throat — and such internal dissension won’t help her in the home stretch.

Coming Home Today

For those of you who care, I will be home tonight around 7. Let me know if there's something going on.

Friday, March 21, 2008

This Country is Taking a Passive-Aggressive Approach to Smoking. Why?

Everybody is affected by cigarettes. Whether it be smoking them yourself, inhaling second-hand smoke, or just smelling them on somebody's clothes, I defy anyone to argue otherwise. That being said, smoking is a huge social issue in this country, most of which is based around how to deal with it. Way back when, cigarette's were not known to cause problems, so people smoked them and nobody really cared. But, as information on how cigarettes (and second-hand smoke) were bad for you came to be public knowledge, crackdowns were made. Cigarette's weren't allowed to be marketed to children, they started to be taxed heavily, and most recently, among many other things, they have been banned from certain restaurants and bars across the country. But never outlawed.

So, those of you who don't smoke, and dislike cigarettes for whatever reason, probably think this is all great. Which it is, in my opinion. Cigarettes kill people, we know that, so why allow them in public places? That's my philosophy. Many people have many feelings about cigarettes, but that's not really what this post is about.

Sometimes, you kind of have to feel bad for smokers, and here's why. Cigarettes are addictive, so people that are hooked and have trouble stopping are running into an increasing number of barriers to get their fix. This may sound good to some of you, but put yourself in their shoes: you are addicted to something that isn't illegal and doesn't cause you to inflict direct harm on anyone else, yet you have to jump through hoops every time you have a craving. For me, if that was chocolate, I would be pissed.

Anyways, quitting is always an option, and maybe it's becoming the best option, but another option for people is smoking outside. At this point, you can't really get mad at anyone if they're smoking outside because they're respecting the people around them and the laws affecting them (unless they're blowing smoke into your face or something douche-y like that. But the point is, people going outside to smoke is a good thing for everyone.

Well, aparently not, because Shia LaBeouf just got charged for smoking on the sidewalk outside of some store recently, and is now in court for it. From the caves of Yahoo via The Movie Blog, we get the scoop:

Shia LaBeouf has pleaded not guilty to an unlawful smoking charge. Attorney Michael Norris entered the plea on behalf of the 21-year-old actor Wednesday, a day after a judge issued a $1,000 bench warrant for LaBeouf’s arrest.

The bench warrant, which didn’t contain details on the circumstances or the location of the offense, was dismissed. According to TMZ, the 21-year-old thesp was busted for puffing illegally on the sidewalk outside a gift store called Skyblupink. LaBeouf, who was cited last month, was scheduled to be arraigned on the misdemeanor charge but he failed to appear at Tuesday’s hearing. A hearing is set for April 24. If convicted, the “Transformers” star faces a maximum penalty of a $1,000 fine and six months in jail.
Now, apparently there's a law I don't know about, and that's the "smoking outside" law. Apparently that's no good now? I used to thank people for going outside (or off certain property) to smoke because I prefer to hang out in a smoke-free environment (cue NBC's "the more you know" star). But it looks like Mr. Disturbia broke that law, and is now in court for it.

I like Shia LaBeouf a lot, so I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt that he wasn't smoking in one of those "douche-y" ways, but just stepped outside for a smoke. So, in his defense, what was he supposed to do? Where else does he go? The middle of the street? The middle of the local park? A special smoking bunker? Who knows.

This brings me to the meat of this post: why the passive-aggressive approach to the ever-approaching smoking ban? Like John from TMB said, people are still 100% allowed to buy cigarettes, and can do so virtually anywhere, but they're not allowed to smoke them anymore?

I have had a problem with Philip-Morris (aka Altria Group. You're not fooling anyone assholes) and other cigarette companies for a while, mostly for ethical reasons, but more specifically for business practices reasons (like P-M partnering with Nabisco. How is that legal?). But I don't want to get into that because I don't think that's the problem.

What I do want to explore is why government is taking such a passive-aggressive approach to this ban. They allow, with relatively minor taxes, people to buy cigarettes whenever they want, but they approach banning them on the end user by making it difficult to actually smoke them. Now, when something is harmful to the population, say, a new drug or something, the FDA will not allow it to be on the market. Therefore, it never gets into society and everyone is spared from it's (probably erection-involving) effects.

So if cigarette's are killing people, KILLING them, why not ban them too? Is the movie Thank You For Smoking accurate and the cigarette lobby is just too good? I would hope not. So why take the approach that everyone knows never works? It's been illustrated in so many cop movies, have you learned nothing? The cops don't go for the user or even the dealer on the street. They want to get to the supplier. Whatever drug movie it is, the cops are always looking for the supplier because they know that cuts all ties down the line. So why hasn't the American government taken a note or two?

Honestly, you can't punish the end user when they are only abiding by the rules, especially when the suppliers aren't seeing any (apparent) roadblocks? I know cigarette companies have been hit with millions of lawsuits about this crap, but how many do they actually lose, and how many aren't initiated by public policy, but rather by end users misled or afflicted by their product?

Now, there are conspiracy theories about how the government has contracts or gets kick-backs from the cigarette companies, and they may not even be conspiracy theories. With the state of our government, I don't doubt that one bit. But don't you think, if that's the case, it should be or would have been changed by someone based on the goodwill of America? There are laws for no other reason than to protect the American people, so why, if trying to cut cigarettes out of the picture, don't they do it by telling the cigarette companies that their product is deadly to Americans and probably wouldn't pass FDA regulations if subjected to them, and therefore should be either improved to be less detrimental, or taken off the market?

I implore you, good Blogarrhea readers, not to give me the "it supports the economy" argument. Not here, not now. Especially since our batshit-crazy President has racked up an enormous debt in 8 years. If cigarette companies can pay for that, I have been gravely misinformed.

So, is Shia LaBeouf really to blame? Maybe, we'll see in April when he goes to court. But I really think this situation is being handled in the worst possible way. It should be a top-down change rather than the opposite, and I think that is known but ignored. The American government is (again) fucking shit up.

And maybe I'm wrong about this stuff. Maybe I'm the one that is wrong, and legitimate policies and timelines are in place to handle these issues. But I doubt it. If I am wrong, consider me one of the millions of Americans who feel this way.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Firefox vs. Safari: In Response

I just read Bryan's post about which browser he uses and why, and then also read Kenton's post about the same topic that inspired Bryan's post. So that, in turn, inspired me to write about my thoughts on the matter.

I am a PC user, have been for my whole life, and that means I've been a Windows user for just as long. I don't want to get into the whole Mac vs. PC argument, but that's just how it's been for me. I have also, like the other two, been using Firefox for a substantial amount of time, and have grown to absolutely love it. I have tried other browsers in the past, but nothing has compared to the usability and functionality of Firefox.

There was a time, however, when I did seriously look around for another browser because Firefox was just becoming this ridiculous memory hog. It was almost as bad as iTunes. With the additional memory usage did not come any noticeable performance increases, so it was time to change.

Right around that time, Safari released a version for Windows, so I decided to check that out. It was a very light program, which initially satisfied my (only) requirement, so I started using it primarily. Now, Safari touts its speed vs. every other browser, which I noticed on a few pages, but not with everything. Some things actually seemed to take longer to load. Safari is much better with colors than all other browsers, but that's not really a priority of mine. Colors all look different on different monitors anyway. Another thing I didn't like was the lack of optional password saving that I utilized so much with Firefox. It may be the Windows version, or I may just be an idiot, but it didn't seem to have that feature. Maybe because Safari is so security focused, but I rely on that feature to remember passwords so I don't have to. The last major factor that irked me was the way Safari displayed some web pages. Some looked odd because they were clearly built on other browsers, and others had some compatibility issues, but that's an old complaint.

I have installed all the updates since its release and still have it on my computer, but rarely use it. I actually opened it today, and it seemed a lot slower than I was used to.

So, Firefox is still my main browser. I have Firefox 3 Beta and like it very much. It's a lot less of a memory hog (actually less than Safari, as I'll show in a second), has all the features I need when browsing, and is improvable with any number of add-ons I may want (which do bog it down, but really, for things like Lifehacker's go-to Greasemonkey, it's normally worth it for the functionality).

So, like I said, I opened Safari today with Firefox already open, and they ran side by side for a while. Then, when going to write this post, I checked the memory usage, and found something I didn't expect. First is a picture of my screen with both of them running side by side (with my task manager also), and the second is of the energy usage of each from the task manager's processes pane:

So, as you'll notice, Safari has only one window open (my blog, which is quite the hog itself), and Firefox has 4 windows open, including my blog and my blog editor, and Firefox is still running on less CPU power. This was a single screen shot, and it fluctuated, but Safari was generally using more energy.

Since upgrading to Firefox 3 Beta, I have noticed a performance increase, and then recently I installed Vista Service Pack 1, and noticed an overall system speed increase. It wasn't much of a service pack relative to others (like both XP's), but it said it may increase performance, which it has. It seems to have made all the bulky Vista system operations that normally bog the OS down run smoothly and unobtrusively, which means a faster computer for me. Thankfully I now have an OS that runs like it should, or at least moved in that direction. And I can look forward to the final release of Ff3.

So, after a long post that most of you probably don't care about, I will conclude by saying, on the Windows side, Firefox is still my #1 browser, and until Safari either develops a stronger browser for Windows or Firefox starts sucking again, it looks like it's going to stay that way. At least, as long as I'm still a Windows user...

Someone better have been fired for this

This is video game for Nintendo DS called Imagine Babies that is essentially like one of those little baby dolls that you have to take care of, but a video game version. So, there you see the cover. Apparently Ubisoft made it, which is quite an offshoot from their primarily action based/killing games library.

Anyway, Ubisoft is a French company with revenues of just over $1 billion American [via Wikipedia]. Why is that relevant? Well, notice anything a little off with that cover?

I'll give you a hint:

You've got to be kidding me. They stole that picture from iStockphoto! I can plainly see the watermark. There's another one on the picture in the top left too. They just stole the preview pictures instead of paying for the real ones.

How much would it cost to pay for this picture, seriously? And for that matter, why couldn't they take their own damn pictures? I found this hilarious. A huge company like Ubisoft ripping pictures from iStockphoto. Wow.


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Barack Obama in Eugene on Friday

For those of you who I told I would be home tonight, I apologize. I am not coming home because I will be going to Mac Court to see Barack Obama. Or at least I think I am. Here's what the e-mail said:

Please join Barack Obama at a Stand for Change Rally in Eugene, where he'll talk about his vision for bringing America together and creating the kind of change we can believe in.
It says doors open at 7 and the event begins at 9. That leads me to believe that he's going to be there speaking, right? Well, I just was looking around his website and noticed that he's also scheduled for a similar event in Portland that same night, doors opening at 7:30, event starting at 9:30.

Even by plane it would be impossible to get from Eugene to Portland in 30 minutes, so will somebody please let me know what's going on? If it's a video feed or some crap like that, I'm not going to be very happy.

Anyways, I'll update you if I hear anything, but until then, I'll be playing video games, watching movies, and dreaming of Vegas.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Open Your Ears: SXSW Music Blowout!

SXSW, the annual film/music/art festival in Austin, TX, just wrapped up on Saturday. There were a ton of bands there, and imeem was good enough to make playlists of all of them. So, today, I went through them and picked out some of the artists I liked and made my own playlist.

Below are all the tracks and artists I liked. I've also added my favorites to the Blogarrhea playlist in the corner. So listen through them and let me know what you think.

Another shot at this monetization thing: PayPerPost

Many of you have probably read about how I've been experimenting in ways of monetizing this blog. My goal has never been to actually make a good amount of money through my blog, although that would be nice, but rather just to find out how it's done in order to better understand it.

For my next trick, I'm using PayPerPost. For those of you who don't know what PPP is, it's a company that lets advertisers make bids for people to write about them or a certain product on their sites. Basically, paying people for word of mouth advertising. Now, immediately in this whole thing you should be questioning the ethics of this company. I did when I first heard about them. But they try to make it known that certain blog posts using PPP are sponsored by an advertiser by using little disclosure badges saying "This post sponsored by: ____". You can check out their explanation of that on their word of mouth ethics page. I think that, if the reader knows this post is sponsored, then it's fine. They can choose to take every word with a fat grain of salt.

Personally, while I'm using it, I'm going to write about stuff only if I can express my honest opinions about it. You can still take my words with a grain of salt, but I just want to make that point known.

Anyways, I heard about PayPerPost through a blog that, ironically, was discussing the ethics of it. I investigated a little bit, and found that, while the ethical issues are relevant, I thought this was a really inventive business model. It connects marketers with customers through a new avenue. Well, word of mouth advertising existed before this, and may have been even less ethical. You remember that person in that bar the other night that offered you a free shot of some vodka after she gave you a big schpeal about it? Or when that same sort of thing happened in the coffee shop? Yeah, that person might have been paid to do that.

Anyways, I am new at this whole monetization thing, so now I'm trying PPP and will see if it works. I'm beginning to find that there are a lot of experimental ways of doing this right now, mainly because people don't yet understand it, so a lot of them don't really work. Hopefully I can find one that does work, but hey, it's an experiment right? If I make any decent money on it, I'll let you guys know, and maybe buy you a beer. Hey, have you tried this new kind of beer...?

Malcolm Gladwell is a Genius

This is a 2004 video of Malcolm Gladwell, the author of "The Tipping Point" and "Blink", and it discusses what every business can learn from spaghetti sauce. It is honestly a thrill to hear this man speak. I read "The Tipping Point", have not yet found someone who owns "Blink" so I can borrow it, but he's a genius in my opinion and demonstrates as much in this video. (It's about 18 minute long). Check it out if you are at all interested in business.

[via Consumerist]

California, what's the deal?

I want to make a disclaimer before I start this post: I'm pretty drunk right now. I was out at the bars, since my term is done, and it's St. Patty's Day, and Bella and I are enjoying some time together before I hit the pillow.

Anyways, I was watching TV just now and saw that California tourism commercial. This one:

I had a few questions about it. First, why is California, the most populated state in America, running ads for people to come there? Is the California economy really struggling? Why the hell would they waste the money on this commercial trying to get people to go there? Maybe that's SOP, but I wonder how many people go there because of this commercial. Is it really worth it? Or does Cali have a surplus and decided to invest in this? It's pretty lame, with Governor Arnold and (ugly) wife wrapping it up. It doesn't say anything people don't already know, and seems kind of unnecessary.

Is that state in need of tourism? No. Absolutely not. So why the commercial (that I've seen 100 times)? Is it just a local (Oregon) commercial? I hope so.

I was just curious, any thoughts?

In other news, Dad, I saw two of your legal interns at a bar tonight. They both go to Oregon, and I feel really bad that I didn't remember their names. I recognized them and said hi, and they bought me a shot. I told them to tell you they did so when they see you, so hopefully they do. You should act surprised, and humor them, but let me know if they do, in fact, tell you, because that would make my day. Don't tell them I forgot their names please.

Anyway, hope you all had a happy St. Patty's Day.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day

I hope you're Irish today. God knows I am, and with my last exam today at 10am, I can finally celebrate it. It's been 4 years that I've had school to worry about, but not this year. So please, join me in some green beer tonight won't you? Or, if not for me, at least for the good people of Ireland.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Applying Google Earth to Solve Real Business Problems (Courtesy of Mr. Feely)

Hey Bry, just want to let you know that I'm kind of stealing your post. I read it and thought about writing the same one, but decided to just give you credit for doing it better anyways. Hopefully you don't mind the (potential) extra traffic.

This term, in my business school capstone class, we worked on projects for actual companies. The one my group worked for was YOLO colorhouse, a high quality, no-VOC paint company. Our project was essentially to identify new markets that they should expand into on the West Coast. We decided to use Google Earth, which had many awesome implications, including Bryan being asked to talk to the head of the business school about it.

This is where I throw you to his post to read about how we did it and why it was so awesome. Thanks Bry. Check out his post over at FeelyWorks, "Google Earth as an Analytical Tool", then come back and tell me what you think.

The Hammer Movie Trailer

The Hammer is a new movie starring Adam Corolla, and it's got a pretty funny trailer.

Now, this movie looks like a bad version of that show Adam Carolla had a few years ago on TLC called The Adam Carolla Project where he tried to rebuild houses. I liked it. This movie looks like that, but turned into a movie with a plot thrown in. There are a lot of real funny lines in the trailer though, so that's why I posted it. It might be worth seeing only because of him.

2008 NCAA Tournament Bracket

(click to enlarge)

There it is, your 2008 NCAA Tournament bracket. Start filling it out (even though you'll be beat by the only girl in your pool, it's inevitable). North Carolina, Memphis, UCLA, and Kansas are the #1 seeds, and Oregon squeezed in there as a #9 seed! North Carolina is probably the favorite, but they probably have the toughest road to the Final Four. Tennessee, Louisville, and Washington St... Wow. I've got a lot to go over before betting in Vegas!

Let me know what you think.


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Consumerist's Worst Company in America 2008

I saw this today and just felt compelled to post it. The guys over at The Consumerist have made up a bracket for the worst company in America based on their readers' votes. I have begun reading that blog daily, and am always blown away by some of their stories regarding the ridiculousness of some companies.

Anyways, check out the bracket below (click to enlarge):
If I had to make my predictions about the final four based on nothing but intuition, I would have to say Comcast wins (loses) in the NW bracket, CompUSA in the SW, Radioshack in the NE, and United Health Care in the SE.

What do you guys think? Who's going to be the 2008 Worst Company in America?

[via Consumerist]

Monday, March 10, 2008

New Indiana Jones Poster!

May 22.

(It's a HUGE picture, click to enlarge)

New Dark Knight Pics from the New York Times

The New York Times published a piece about Dark Knight director Christopher Nolan today, which included a few new pictures. The story focuses mostly on Nolan, his career, and his feelings about the new film in the wake of Heath Ledger's untimely death. It's a great article for Batman and Christopher Nolan fans alike, but does contain some spoilers for the upcoming movie. If you don't want to know anything about it, you probably shouldn't read it. But the parts about Ledger are almost worth it. They really pay tribute to the actor he was.

For example, from the article:

Mr. Pfister, the cinematographer, said Mr. Ledger seemed "like he was busting blood vessels in his head," he was so intense. "It was like a séance, where the medium takes on another person and then is so completely drained."
The article went on to say:
"It’s stunning, it’s iconic," [Nolan] said. "It’s going to just blow people away."
Those sentiments both make me sad for what Ledger was becoming as an actor and could have been, but also excites me that his last role is going to be amazing.

Personally I am a big fan of Nolan's. I loved Momento before I knew who Christopher Nolan was, and have subsequently loved everything he's done (with the exception of Insomnia, because I haven't seen it). It's fun to read about certain styles directors have, especially when it's coming from actors like Aaron Eckhart. I also loved the fact that he has turned down really attractive money-making movies in favor of things he was passionate about. That lends to his credibility.

It's also very fascinating to read about how deep Nolan is going in his pursuit of a serious Batman character. The morals he struggles with, the cultural insinuations he tries to avoid but ultimately cannot. It's almost surreal to listen to this man speak like a visionary about a comic book character.

Anyways, a few new pictures were released as well, and while we still haven't seen Aaron Eckhart as Two-Face, these are still pretty awesome. Check them out.

Batman on the Batpod

Batman and the Joker

Christopher Nolan on the set with the Bat Signal

[via NYT]

Ctrl and Esc

I was looking through my cache of deal-a-day sites and found this shirt on one of them. I couldn't help but laugh, and then I felt like a dork.

This is the shirt on Uneetee today, and I was this close to buying it until I saw how both graphics sat on your chest like a bikini, and I just wasn't feeling that. But it's still funny.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

The Beautiful Post-Oscars Lull

It seems to happen in every industry. There's a point, usually after the biggest event of the year, in which nothing really happens. The most notable example, in my opinion, is that span of time after the Super Bowl where, unless Tiger happens to be playing that week, absolutely nothing happens. SportsCenter just kind of mulls through crap until either hockey or golf comes to the rescue. Then baseball gets going, and the sports world is back up and running.

Well, this also happens after the Academy Awards every year. In the following months, nothing good comes out. The summer blockbusters are still a good three months away, there are no good film festivals for at least a month, and any movie that is even remotely thinking of being in contention for any awards knows it's way too early to release. So what comes out? Nothing.

This time of year is when all the studios put out all their crap movies because there's nothing to compete with. Well, except other crap. You see a lot of weekends like the one I wrote about a while back. This phenomenon, if you will, is very apparent this weekend as well.

As you can see above, courtesy of RT, there is a lot of shit out there this weekend. If you click that picture, you can see the results of the top 12 in the box office this weekend. If you look at it, you'll notice that only 3 of the top 12 movies in theaters this weekend are rated "fresh", meaning 60% or more of critics reviewing it actually liked it. That means 9 of the top 12 were rated "rotten".

This isn't surprising, because it happens every year, but just because I can, I am going to justify the reasons why these movies are out right now (a.k.a. why they are bad).

#1 at the box office: 10,000 B.C.
There shouldn't be any doubt of why this movie is #1 on this particular weekend. Warner marketed the hell out of it, and it's pretty appealing to a large audience, especially compared to the rest of the movies this weekend. It's PG-13, it's got big animals, and it looks kind of cool to kids and adults alike.

However, there are a number of reasons, besides its release date, that tell you it's going to be bad. You haven't heard of anyone that's involved with the movie unless you're a huge Independence Day fan, and let's face it, who isn't? It's also a very VFX-intensive movie, and what have we learned from King Kong? No matter how realistic you can make a dinosaur stampede look, it's still going to suck. Also, and this may be the biggest deterrent, what kind of "epic" has a 1 hr 49 mins run time? You've got to be kidding. Honestly, one of the "musts" of an epic is that it has to be long. Honestly, whether it's LOTR or Kingdom of Heaven, good or bad, it has to be long.

#2 at the box office: College Road Trip
If you looked at this title, you would have no idea it was going to be the movie RV redone with Martin Lawrence, but if you saw any of the ads, you would. I hope I don't have to go into it any further, but I will. This is like the cliche of movies that come out at this time. They try so hard to be something fun and enjoyable, but when it's all said and done, it just isn't. But the movie has been shot, so they have to put it out. Now's the time.

Martin Lawrence needed a paycheck, and so did the studio. This, unfortunately, happens.

#3 at the box office: Vantage Point
Well, I have to say that I kind of wanted to see this one. But, when you really look at it, it just kind of looks boring. I have no intention of going out to see it even though I kind of want to. But, the main reason behind this one being #3 is that it's been out for 3 weeks, so the people who really want to see it already have.

#4 at the box office: Semi-Pro
You know, there used to be a time when I would line up to see any Will Ferrell movie, no matter what. But then he made Kicking & Screaming and Bewitched, and I was pretty much off the automatic bandwagon. I love Anchorman and Old School and will forever, but that shtick is getting old fast. Plus, I just don't think it's as good a movie as some of Ferrell's other. It's thriving on him and his comedy when it should be the other way around. I think they might have realized it wasn't that good though, and so released it now.

#5 at the box office: The Bank Job
This is the one exception on the list. This has a "fresh" rating. I want to see this, but will probably wait for the $1 theater. It looks exciting and fun, with a lot of bullets and adrenaline, and that's what Jason Statham is good at. But, he does that in every movie, and while it doesn't get old like Ferrell's characters and one liners about punching people in the mouth, it doesn't make me want to rush out to see it either.

So, I saw Rotten Tomatoes today and just felt like writing about it. What do you all think?

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Oregon St. goes 0-18 in Pac-10 play

Congratulations shit eaters and sheep fuckers, your basketball team has set a new record for being bad at sports. I always knew you could do it! The first team in history to go winless in the Pac-10. Wow. Just wow. Burn this playbook, fire the coaches, do something, guys. That's embarrassing. The only thing you guys can do now is lose to Arizona in the play-in game and your Pac-10 resume will be complete. Oh man, how do you not win a game?

Hey, at least next year won't be a disappointment, right?

Cancer has picked a fight it can't win

As many of you know, I am a big fan of The Movie Blog. I read that blog religiously. The two main writers do a podcast a couple times a week that is kind of like Diggnation in that they basically just talk about the stuff on their site that week. While I personally like Filmspotting for my movie podcasts, I listen to this one a lot because it's light hearted, funny, and entertaining.

This week it was announced that Patrick Swayze has pancreatic cancer, which sparked Doug (one of the writers) to go off on cancer about how it has just picked a fight it can't win. Check it out:

Righteous Kill Trailer

Righteous Kill, the long awaited film in which De Niro and Pacino ACTUALLY work together (unlike The Godfather II and Heat), is one of the movies I'm most looking forward to this year, and a trailer has just been released.

It's not bad, but not great. It's too bad 50 Cent is in it, because that man cannot act, but I do like the "Sympathy for the Devil" remix very much. Check it out:

Friday, March 07, 2008

I'm 22

At 8:21pm 22 years ago, I was born. I hope you're happy. Look what you've done.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Team ODEN: Great Message, Bad Logo

Portland's rookie center Greg Oden recently joined Oregon Mentors, a non-profit group of youth mentoring programs across Oregon, to announce a mentoring awareness initiative: Team ODEN.

The program is designed to raise awareness throughout the state using Oden's face to help achieve the goal of connecting 40,000 Oregon children with mentors by the year 2010.

Oden himself was connected with a mentor when he was growing up, which he talks about in the article on

"Every kid should have someone in their life that can support and encourage them. Without strong mentors, I wouldn’t be here today."
I think this is a good step for Greg Oden. The Trail Blazers are all about giving back to the community, and this only solidifies Oden's home here in Portland.

However, how did this logo get approved? Greg Oden playing keep away with a bunch of kids? This program is designed to reach out to kids, Greg, but in your case I think it should be more reaching down. Just give them the ball, man! All they want to do is play!

Oh but I kid. Honestly, it's a great cause and I hope it succeeds.

For more information on Oregon Mentors program and Team ODEN, visit

Sunday, March 02, 2008

New Iron Man Trailer!

OK, so as I've said before, initially when I heard that they were going to make an Iron Man movie, I didn't really care. Iron Man is kind of a lame comic character, so it didn't really pique my interest. However, all the decisions they've made about this movie have won me over. The cast, the director, the budget, and most of all, the marketing.

They've put out some solid trailers that have convinced me that I'll be seeing it in theaters, but this new one they just released is so sack-tingling good. Check out the faster loading hi-def version over here at IGN.

NBA Finals Domination

If you don't feel like delving into the Vegas epic just yet, check this out.

My roommate Jake and I were just sitting out in the front room watching Sportscenter and trying to name the two other teams that won an NBA Championship that didn't have Shaq or Tim Duncan. Those 2 players have won 8 out of the last 10, so we were trying to name the other ones. We got Detroit quick, but couldn't name the other one.

It ended up being the '98 Bulls, the last one Jordan won, and I found it on Wikipedia.

However, that's not the point. That's only the means to an end. The end is what else we found on that Wikipedia page. We each had an idea that the Lakers and Celtics were dominant in their heydays, but we had no idea they were this dominant:

I guess I might have heard before, but I really didn't know the Celtics went to 9 straight Finals, winning 8 in a row, making 11 Finals in 12 years and a total of 16 in 20 years. THAT is true dominance! Tom Brady has absolutely nothing on that.

I also didn't know, and neither did Jake, an LA fan, that the Lakers went to 14 Finals of 18, if you don't count those 11 years in between, since moving to LA, but only won 5 of them. That's some bad luck, but still some serious Western Conference ownage.

I guess that's what a Larry Bird or a Magic Johnson will do for you.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Las Vegas, The Complete Story

After plenty of time to get over that "I don't want to talk about it right now" phase everyone goes through after a long trip, I am ready to write. So here goes: the complete stories of my trip Feb. 14-18.

I should mention first that it's always tough to remember details about a trip when so much happens, and I remember having that problem the last time I went to Vegas, so this time I made it a point to kind of jot notes down in my phone. That way, I could put it up here and, regardless of who reads it or not, I will always have it to look back at. Kind of like a diary, but slightly less "teenager girl" and a lot more "geek." Anyways, what that means is that you get a more accurate and complete take on the whole thing.

Our flight to Vegas was on Thursday night at 8:30, so I headed up to Portland after my last class that day, and my dad and I headed to the airport. There really is no other social setting like the airport. A million people from all over the world, not caring about other people, and all pissed off because everyone knows the airport never ceases to aggravate people in one way or another. For me, it's not ever a big deal to be at an airport, just kind of a means to an end for me, so I don't too caught up in it. However, I seem to be the only one, and for some reason when I go to airports and see people all pissed off, it just makes me want to fuck with them. I don't know what's wrong with me, but I want to find some way to push them over the edge. So I'll do things like talking to someone in the bookstore when they clearly want to be left alone, or keep walking past someone causing them to have to move each time to let me past, like in a bookstore, or get in their way and act like I have no idea. Nothing major, just little stuff that would normally be no big deal, but that in an airport is apparently really frusterating.

Anyways, while we were waiting in line to go through security, I was talking kind of loud about all the stuff people can't take on a plane, but may have forgot and me talking would spark an "oh shit" epiphany. Then I would say how retarded people are that do that and also how retarded the whole fluids rule is, hoping to push somebody's buttons. Making passing comments is actually a big part of this trip, come to think of it, but I digress.

We got through security just to learn that our flight was delayed about an hour. Awesome. Nothing better than having to waste time in an airport. We were meeting Scott, one of my dad's work buddies, at the airport, but he had checked online and showed up a little later. When he got there and met us, he suggested we start the trip with some drinks. That's good thinkin' Scotty. So we sit and have a beer or two, and then eventually board the plane. It was Valentine's Day, so there were little hearts all over the plane (Southwest's stock ticker symbol is LUV after all). That novelty wore off fast. After we take off the stewardess, or attendant, or drink lady, whatever you call them now, came around, and we all decided to have a few beers. Again, good thinkin'. (That's not foreshadowing, that's just the truth). Anyways, for some reason, when the lady came with our drinks, she didn't feel like breaking my dad's $100, so she just gave them to us for free. It was going to be a good trip.

After another free beer and the end of I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell, we landed in Vegas around 11:30p. That is a book I definitely recommend to people who think reading about someone getting hammered, doing stupid shit and fucking lots of girls is funny. I do.

When we hit the airport terminal, Scott immediately "ran a $20 through" the machine. That would become his motto over the next few days. Hey, when the man had that feeling about a machine, it needed a $20 run through it, no ifs, ands, or buts. This rang true, because I think he won $60 bucks in like 2 minutes. So, we got our bags, got a cab, got to the hotel, threw our shit in the rooms, and hit the casino and started throwing money into machines. I sat down at the first machine I saw, and on the second pull, boom, up $100. Wow, that was fast. I took it and ran. Dad and Scott hit too, so we were all "playing on house money" (Another Scott original) right off the bat.

We played some more, walked around to other casino's and eventually hit the room around 5:30am. I was up $80 or so on the day. We stayed at the Mandalay Bay, which was real nice. We had adjoining rooms on the 19th floor or something, barely a view of the strip, and a flat screen in the bathroom. It was cool, until I noticed the bloody footprint of the carpet:

It's hard to see because it was kind of dark and my phone doesn't have a flash, but please look at that and tell me it doesn't look like a bloody size 10. It was between the beds pointed to the bathroom, which corroborates my murder scenario. How do you not clean that up, even if it's not blood? It was real noticeable, the size of a fucking shoe, and blood red. Anyways, went to bed, and that was the end of day 1.

FRIDAY - Day 2
We woke up around 11, got ready, and headed downstairs right about the time Bill, my dad's other work buddy, was supposed to come in. He took a later flight because, among other reasons, it's probably hard to tell your wife you're going to Vegas and skipping Valentine's Day. We didn't blame him.

Anyways, we gambled a little bit, played some craps, then got a few drinks in the casino bar. The waitress who served us was hot too, which isn't rare in Vegas, but is always nice. Then we needed to eat, so we hit up a buffet and gorged. It was delicious, as you can see:

Not the healthiest way to go, but fuck health, it's Vegas. After stuffing myself to the point of uncomfortably full, we hit the tables. Craps and blackjack put a little money in my pocket early, but then I tried a $25 blackjack table and proceeded to get my asshole ripped out. In about 20 minutes I was out $300. Fuck that. Not too happy and not wanting to blow more, I headed over to a sushi bar where Bill was and enjoyed a lot of really good sushi and watched Taylor vs. Pavlick 1, the first fight they had that was playing because part II was happening at the MGM Grand on Saturday. It was a good fight, but there'll be more on that later. I tried sake for the first time, and enjoyed it. The first little cup Bill poured me I took like a shot. He looked at me all funny, so I guessed that wasn't how you drink it. Hey, it looked like a shot glass. He pours me another one after saying, "Jesus, sip it" or something along those lines. The food and break from gambling put me back in a good mood.

We sat there until it was time to go change because we were seeing LOVE later that night. So we changed, taxied over to the Mirage and got our tickets. We had about an hour before the show actually started, so Bill and I sat down at a blackjack table to see if our luck had changed.

We had been playing a while when Dad shows up behind me having just won a couple hundred at roulette. He tells me to bet $50 next hand, and that it was insured. No arguments there, so I dropped $50 on the next hand. Deal comes 6, 5, with the dealer showing a 5. Wow, the perfect scenario. What can I do? I have to double down. I get a 6 or something, which is alright. She's going to bust after all, right? Nope, she pulls out a nice little 4 under or something and hits a 10 for 19. Fuck. Dad hands me my insured $100, but I was pissed. That's not how the game goes, the dealer is supposed to bust on that! So I'm out for blood now. A few hands later I drop that $100 down. I'm going to get this back. So the deal comes 6, 5 again, with the dealer showing a 6 this time. God damn it, here we go again. I double down, so I have $200 out there. This determines if my luck has changed. I nail a 10 for 21. That's how it's supposed to go! I think she busted, or might have had 18 or something, but I wasn't paying attention at that point. So I take my $400 off the table, hand my dad his $100, and get the hell out of there. Whew, it's time for LOVE.

LOVE was great, as it was the first time I saw it, but there was this guy behind us this time just yelling and being obnoxious the whole time. When it was over, my dad stands up and turns around to the guy and yells something like. "Hey, you're lucky you weren't thrown out tonight, you were being very rude." Not bad pops, still keeping it polite. Well played. But then this fat bitch he's with yells back, "hey, we paid for these tickets just like you." I hear this shit come out of her mouth and just get annoyed at how stupid some people can be. After a huge cup of frozen margarita, I don't really have that edit button in my brain, so I yell back, "Yeah, we paid for these tickets, but we didn't pay to hear your stupid mouth, bitch." Real smooth Kev, you got her good. I should have said something like "too bad the buffet doesn't serve Hot Pockets huh?" or "hey everybody, watch your leftovers", but whatever, it's the best I could do at the time. Then Bill, playing the role of mediator, tells us to chill out and just get going. We agree, and as we're walking out, people that were sitting around us kept commenting to us about how annoying that guy was. It was good to know we weren't the only ones. At this point, oblivious to us, Bill has got his arm around the guy trying to calmly explain that he was being disruptive. Apparently this guy had no idea he was obnoxious. He thought that was acceptable behavior I guess. Dumb ass. Anyway, we left and hit the Mirage floor for some more gambling. I got $300 in my pocket baby!

Scott and I hit a craps table, and I threw pretty bad, but Scott got hot, and then so did the guy next to him, so between the two of them, I got up about $200, and Scott even higher. We took our money and decided it was dinner time. At 1:15am. We went to the Carnegie Deli, where Dang from Saigon (you know how they all have those name tags with where they're from on them) served me the most delicious swiss cheese omelet I've ever had. After we ate, we headed over to Ceaser's Palace for some drinks, cigars, and relaxation. In Bill's case, more of the relaxation than anything else:

You can't blame him for being tired, he had flown in early, and was working on his 24th hour of being awake. We hung out here for a while, but right as we had showed up the piano player was leaving, so there wasn't much going on. However, Scott had brought these $25 or so cigars, which were really good, easily the best cigar I had ever had. I also had a Manhattan, which I have never had before, but tried since I am all about whiskey. This prompted a conversation about how Manhattans are alcoholics' drinks and that I apparently had a great aunt who loved them. Putting those two facts together means pops' aunt was an alcoholic. Cool. Glad it doesn't run in the family. (Seriously, it doesn't).

Anyways, when we were done with that, we decided to head back to the hotel so Bill could get some sleep. While we were waiting in the taxi line, I looked over into an ash tray on top of a garbage can and saw one of those slots receipts for $8.75. I picked it up and showed Scott. I know it's only $8.75 but it's just as easy to redeem one of those as it is to throw it away. You have to be really trashed or a high roller to just throw $8.75 in the garbage. So Scott takes it, runs inside and redeems it just in time to come out and catch the cab. Well played, sir. So we split it and taxi on home.

When we got back, Bill went upstairs, and we hit the floor for some more blackjack. I played for about an hour before I got a text from my dad saying they were all in bed. They just straight up left on me, but whatever. So I cashed out for the night and headed to the elevator.

When I got into the elevator lobby, there was this guy there, totally hammered, using the wall as a 3rd leg. He sees me look at him, which clearly meant I wanted to start a conversation I guess, because he starts right up with a slurred version of his night, or something. I thought it was hilarious, so I acted like I cared trying to encourage him. We got in an elevator, and before the doors closed, some black girl got in with these huge heels and gum in her mouth. Hmm, not too obvious I guess. Clearly a "pro" (short for prostitute, another Scott original), she kind of looks both of us over while I'm still listening to this dude ramble, and then asks me, "Are you two friends?" Whoa, that threesome request came pretty quick, take it easy lady. I laughed and shook my head no. He was way too trashed to notice I was mocking him. So she's clearly on her way up to do work, why else would she be in the elevator right? As I get out, she says to me, "Bye hottie." I start laughing, which I'm not sure she took as mocking either, so I turned around and said, "Night hooker." No I didn't, but the look on my face hopefully said that. Sort of a "I don't really want syphilis tonight, thanks" look. That was the first time I'd been picked up by a hooker, or whatever you call it, and I didn't really know how to feel about it. I should have asked her for a ZJ.

After that, I hit the pillow, and day 2 was in the books.

I woke up way late this morning, and only got up because we had an appointment to get royal shaves at The Art of Shaving. A guy named Craig did work on my face. I hadn't shaved in a few weeks, knowing we were going to do this, so he earned it. Craig was cool, dressed real nice, and had everything shaved himself. His face was shaved, his head was shaved, I bet his balls were even shaved, cause this man knew how to work a blade. It was amazing. It was about 30 minutes full of hot towels, hot lather, and almost falling asleep because it was so relaxing. Only thing missing was the reach around to finish it off, but since it was Craig, I'll let it slide. I kid. But seriously, I wish I could start every day like that. The shave was so close that we were told not to touch our faces with our palms for a while because "that part of your hand is contaminated and could irritate the skin with the oils" or something. I believed her, cause it was really close.

After that, we hit the buffet again, and then headed over to the sports book to bet on the Oregon and Oregon St. games. I bet $50 on the Ducks to beat Washington St. $50 on the the Huskies to beat OSU, and $50 on the over/under of that game's total score. The games weren't until later, so Bill and Scott went to the spa to work out a little while my dad and I spent some time gambling. We were up and down, mostly down, and then we went over to watch the games. Washington absolutely smoked OSU by about 35 points I think, which meant I won that bet, but because Washington put up 97 points, my under bet for the 135.5 point over/under was a loser. I was alright, I split. Then the Oregon game came on, and just like in the elite 8 game last year when I bet on them, Tajuan Porter decided not to show up and they lost. God damn it Tajuan, that's bad timing! Anyways, it was still fun to watch.

The Taylor vs. Pavlick fight was on tonight too, so I decided maybe I could get lucky and make my money back betting on it. I know relatively little about boxing, but had watched the fight the night before, so knew who these guys were and how they fought. I called Ryan, my go to boxing analyst, who told me basically it's a toss up and was going to be a good fight. The last fight, Taylor knocked Pavlick down early, and then in the 7th, Pavlick got lucky and knocked him out. So I figured I would take a chance and bet on Pavlick knocking him out. Odds were 20/1 that Pavlick would knock him out in rounds 7 and 8, and 12/1 for a knockout in the 9th, 10th, and 11th. So I put $20 down on each round, meaning if he did I would get either $400 or $240. It was a risk, but I wanted to do it. Then Dad bet against me, putting $200 on Taylor. Thanks for the support pal! It's never a good thing when two people are on opposite sides when money is involved. You may win, but then the other guy might be pissed. But it was cool, it's my dad. So, basically, the worst possible outcome happened: Pavlick won by decision. That means they went the length and Pavlick was judged the winner. So I lost all my money because he didn't knock him out, and Dad lost his because Taylor lost. Pavlick did knock Taylor down in the 7th, so I got close, but close doesn't pay.

We got over it though, because tonight we were going to miX, a really nice restaurant on top of the Mandalay Bay. The view was amazing. The picture at the top of this post is from the restaurant, and they have this huge chandelier made out of something like 20,000 individually hand-blown glass balls. Pretty impressive:

I had duck of some kind, which was kind of ironic. It was first time I'd had duck, and it was pretty darn good. We also had a $225 bottle of wine. Wow. I felt bad drinking it because I didn't feel like I could appreciate it. It was good, but that's meaningless coming from me. It ended up being an $800 dinner (wow), but the service was awful.

One of the coolest parts about this restaurant was, believe it or not, the bathroom. So you walk in, and everything is black, so it's initially hard to see, and the layout isn't traditional by any means, so you don't exactly know where everything is when you first walk in. But, when you finally get your bearings, you see there is a stall tucked away with the toilet turned around. Like, backwards. When I first walked in there it was confusing. I wasn't sure why it was turned around until I thought about sitting on it. Then you notice the floor to ceiling window. So you can shit with a view! It was at the top of the hotel, and the windows were obviously tinted, so nobody could see you. Pretty damn cool. No picture of that though, the combination of other people in there plus a bathroom guy standing basically over my shoulder made that idea a little uncomfortable. You'll just have to see it for yourself.

After dinner, we went back into the casino, and Bill and I decided we were going to play poker. So we sat at a $1/$2 no limit table and dropped $200 to buy in. About 5 minutes into it Scott came in. He couldn't help himself. So we must have sat there for about an hour and a half, and I swear the best cards I got were A J off suit, which is the hand I got taken out on. After just pissing my money away without getting cards, Bill and Scott had gone out, and I had A J. I raised it to $10 before the flop, only one caller. The flop came A 7 3. I, like an idiot, checked it. So did the other guy in the hand. The turn came A. So I had a set and about $40 in my stack. This was my all-in hand, had to be. But, again, I checked. This guy had been folding a lot, and with a set, I was trying to suck anything out of him, hoping if I check-raised all-in, he would call his chips away. Anyways, he went all-in, so I called. I turned over my A J, he looked at them and I figured I had him beat. But then he turned over A 3. So he had a full boat. I said fuck that, asked myself why I didn't raise more before the flop, but seriously, A 3? Fuck that shit. The lucky bastard had me the whole way too. I rationalized my loss away by telling myself I got no cards the whole night, which was true, and really frusterating.

We all decided to go over to Bally's because there was this spot right next to a stage you could see while playing blackjack, and the music was good. Bill stayed and went to bed, he was tired. But we hit the table running.

We were up pretty quick, I got up to about $300 at one point, but the whole time we were drinking vodka cranberries. Scott convinced me I needed the antioxidants in the juice. What were you trying to say Scotty? But Scott, my Dad, and I were all tipping the drink lady really well, so she was bringing them out quick, and they quickly went from monarch vodka crans to Kettle and crans. We were getting some pretty good vodka. We were all being loud and getting into it, in the good way, because the whole table was winning. It was easily the most fun I've had playing blackjack. The dealers were all great, but one was named Rosalina, and she was hilarious. She was spanish, so she had an accent, and she was pretty cute for a 38 year old that works at a casino. But she came along when we were pretty far into the bottle of Kettle One, and she just egged us on. She asked Scott his name right off the bat, and then said oh, you look like my ex-husband. Lady, you just opened up a can of worms with Scott. They're going back and forth shooting shit the whole night, everyone is cracking up. At some point, she asked the guy next to Scott his name, which was Shane. She said "uh oh, that was my ex-boyfriend's name." I think she was being serious too, which made it even funnier and just encouraged Scott more. We ended up all losing our money, but I think we made it up in liquor and entertainment.

So we're all pretty trashed, but decide to go out a little more and have a few more. We lose a little bit, and then head back to the hotel and hit the bed right before the sun comes up around 6am:

Needless to say, we slept in the next morning.

SUNDAY - Day 4
When my dad and I eventually got up, we decided to take it easy this morning, for a number of reasons. We taxied out to the middle of the strip with the ultimate goal of finding somewhere to eat after I nixed the buffet. We had the buffet 2 mornings in a row, I was not about to hit that again.

We checked out the new Venetian hotel and the Planet Hollywood casino, which was new since we were their last. We checked out the Flamingo and the pool because that's where we're staying when we go for Spring Break. Then we decided we really needed to get some grub.

The last time we were in Vegas we ate at Margaritaville, which I really liked, so we decided on that. While we were walking there, we saw a dude laying on the ground with his head on his friend's knee like he had just fallen down. His friend was yelling, "God damn it!" over and over, and there was puke EVERYWHERE. For those of you who remember that bum in Canada that puked his whole life out, this was more. And it was everywhere. All over the sidewalk, him, his friend, the garbage can, everywhere. There were cops standing around him already, so he was jail-bound. But as I was looking at the whole situation, I had to step over one pile of puke, only to almost step in another one. Everywhere. It was 3pm. What kind of night did he have?

So we got over that, I thought it was funny, Dad thought it was not. To each his own. But we hit up Margaritaville for another delicious experience, and all was good. We could now go gamble again. Scott wanted to check out Hooters because it was one casino on the strip he hadn't been to, so Dad and I decided we'd head over there and he could meet us. Well, it was definitely a waste of a trip. Hooters sucked. It was disgusting looking, was totally cluttered with slots and other stuff, and the girls weren't even hot at all. There were no hooters at Hooters. Probably because all the hot girls can make way more money working somewhere else. But we called him, told him not to come, and that we'd meet him back at the hotel.

Today was kind of a down day. It's right about this point that I think we all realized maybe this trip was one day too long. I mean, we were still having a lot of fun, but there's only so long you can go with no sleep and lots of alcohol before you just kind of die out.

We got back to the hotel and just kind of chilled out until dinner. We were going to see another show tonight, O. It gets its name from the French word for water, "eau", which is its theme. So we decided to check out a Mexican place in the Mandalay Bay. Just like at miX, the service here was pretty crappy, but the food was good. We had a nice view of the hotel from the patio too.

After dinner we taxied over to the Bellagio for the show. This was the second Cirque du Soleil show I had seen, so I would finally have something to compare LOVE to. On the taxi ride over, we had the encyclopedia of Vegas as a driver. He knew everything, including that Wynn's new tower is costing $2.4 billion and Trump is struggling to get a gaming license. Good to know. Right when we walked it it was a different experience. The theater was big, with a huge red curtain hiding the stage, which was essentially a big pool of water. Some dude took a picture and an usher came up and told him no pictures, which just made me want to take one:

This curtain was huge. We were sitting there, and some pretty huge dudes came in a sat near us, and Dad made a solid crack about the Packers being in town. Good one, Pops.

The show was really good, with a lot of diving and acrobatics and straight up talent. Plus, the "stage" of water and platforms and all the synchronization and "water management" was really impressive. It's probably the most expensive stage out there.

After the show, Bill and Scott decided to call it a night. Bill had to leave early the next morning, and Scott felt a little cold coming on and didn't want to lose anymore money. Who can b
lame him for that one? So Dad and I decided to hit up Bally's again because we both really like that area we were at earlier.

When we get there, we sit down at a $15 table with three other people and start playing. In the span of about 30 minutes, we had both doubled our money. We couldn't lose. I probably hit five 16's and didn't bust on one of them, and the dealer was busting on everything. The guy sitting in the very middle of the table was playing SO bad, but it didn't matter. It was like he was a cooler hired by the casino to play awful. He was hitting 14's against 6's and all this ridiculous bullshit. However, the guy playing 3rd base couldn't do anything wrong. When he stayed, it worked out. When he hit, it worked out. It was all perfect. Plus, he was playing the "pair in the hand" spot and hitting it all the time. It paid 12 to 1 I think. He was money. Dad played really well too, besides splitting 10s once. It worked out though, he got 10s on both and the dealer still busted. That's the kind of crap I'm talking about though, we couldn't lose!

Eventually, after about 2 hours, I had $600 in front of me and Dad had $500, so we got up and walked away. We went back to that cigar bar in Caesar's and I, for the first time all trip, bought my dad a drink. He bought cigars, and we enjoyed a nice relaxing break with huge wads in our pockets.

When we walked into the place though, before we sat down I noticed soccer was on the TV, which made me then notice the 3 English guys watching it in the corner. They had a bunch of Budweiser's in aluminum bottles, so I figured they were pretty drunk. I don't notice them for a while, but then one stands up. He takes a beer, pours it over his head, which gets all down the front and back of his shirt, and yells, "That's what I feel, nothing!" His friends just kind of sit there stunned, so I wasn't sure if it was a joke or what. His friends tell him to sit down, to which he replies, "Fuck off!" a few times, then gets his stuff and starts walking off. One friend yells at him to "sit the fuck down, don't be a twat!" He just leaves. It was fucking hilarious! Especially since they were stereotypical English guys: they had accents, were watching soccers, and called each other twats. Awesome.

After that, we hit the hotel and get in bed pretty early. We flew out around 3 the next day, so we had to get up kind of early.

MONDAY - Day 5
We got up, packed our shit, and headed out. Bill had left earlier that morning, so while Scott and Dad checked out, I picked up a few items in the gift shop. Then we taxied to the airport.

We had Sbarro, my favorite pizza ever, and then got on the plane. Seamless flight, went through Reno, which is beautiful, and didn't have to wait at all. Got home, got to the car, got back to Portland, and then I headed back to Eugene.

It was a GREAT trip, I had a TON of fun, and can't wait to go back for Spring Break! Thanks for reading.
